News of Victor's involvement with the police becomes public. As the pressure mounts, some of his friends start to back away.
Meanwhile, cracks appear in his relationship with girlfriend Nikki, when he admits that sharing naked images of girls is a common practice in his circle of male friends.
Ryktene har begynt å spre seg. Det er fint å ha Nikki på laget, men dette tar seg virkelig ikke godt ut. Hva kommer de andre gutta på bussen til å tenke? Viktor må få truffet Miriam før alt eskalerer.
Bald weiß die gesamte Schule, dass Viktor wegen einer Sexualstraftat beschuldigt wird. Viktor versteht die Anklage nicht. Er hatte das Video doch schnell wieder gelöscht – doch was erst mal im Netz ist, findet seinen Weg. (Quelle: ARD)
Os rumores sobre Viktor se espalham, mas ainda assim, Nikki o apoia. O garoto tenta encontrar Miriam antes que as coisas saiam totalmente do controle.
Os rumores sobre Viktor se espalham, mas ainda assim, Nikki o apoia. O garoto tenta encontrar Miriam antes que as coisas saiam totalmente do controle.
Viktor se vuelve paranoico cuando le preguntan sobre su trabajo para prevenir el acoso sexual. Poco después, su amiga Gina lo detiene en el pasillo. ¿Son ciertos los rumores?