Home / Series / Not Just Bikes / Aired Order / Season 2021 / Episode 5

Cycling Through a Blizzard in Amsterdam

What happens when a blizzard comes to Amsterdam? We found this February, when storm Darcy hit the Netherlands. In geneal, cycling infrastructure was prioritized, but there were several problems with the train system. And in the end, maybe this storm wasn't quite as bad as people thought it would be, and the Netherlands should probably be prepared for such storms in the future. Patreon: https://patreon.com/notjustbikes Twitter: https://twitter.com/notjustbikes Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/notjustbikes NJB Live (my bicycle livestream channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9v57F4xz46KaDsvWfCv8yw More Snow in Amsterdam ❄️ - Bicycle Live Stream NJB Live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcQoqIev_I0 --- Sources: NS beloofde na sneeuwchaos in 2012 ‘Zwitserse wissels’, maar het bleef bij woorden https://www.ad.nl/binnenland/ns-beloofde-na-sneeuwchaos-in-2012-zwitserse-wissels-maar-het-bleef-bij-woorden~a2f95c48/ KNMI - Hoeveelheid sneeuw van Darcy zelfs in huidig klimaat niet erg zeldzaam https://www.knmi.nl/over-het-knmi/nieuws/hoeveelheid-sneeuw-van-darcy-zelfs-in-huidig-klimaat-niet-erg-zeldzaam (het KNMI niet betrokken is bij het afgeleide werk en de strekking daarvan niet noodzakelijkerwijs onderschrijft) Scenes from Oulu, Finland, care of Pekka Tahkola: https://twitter.com/pekkatahkola Pekka Tahkola bicycle live streams from Finland: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClW8fnS0yeCMGEjCKd7OlHg --- Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:05 It Snowed in Amsterdam 0:35 Train Problems 1:22 Bicycle Infrastructure 2:11 Painted Bicycle Gutters Suck Never Build Them 2:53 Sidewalks Full of Snow 3:44 NJB Live Bicycle Livestreams 3:55 Skating on Natural Ice 4:39 How Bad was this Storm? 5:14 What Happens Next? 5:55 Conclusion 6:24 Patreon Shout-out 6:35 Outro

  • Originally Aired February 19, 2021
  • Created October 15, 2021 by
  • Modified October 15, 2021 by