Normal People

Adapted from Sally Rooney's best-selling novel, the series follows Marianne and Connell, from different backgrounds but the same small town in Ireland, as they weave in and out of each other's romantic lives, exploring just how complicated intimacy and young love can be.

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Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials June 2020 2
Season 1 April 2020 12
Unassigned Episodes 0

TheTVDB’s Best Shows of 2020

15 42 Equinox

With this very strange year finally drawing to a close, we wanted to look back and highlight the television shows that helped make a difficult time slightly more bearable. It’s not surprising that a year where many people were quarantined in their homes and faced with challenges and uncertainty was television’s time to shine — a medium that provides an escape from reality when one was so desperately needed. There are 42 shows on this list from nine different countries, chosen by TheTVDB’s administrators and moderators. They are sorted by their premiere dates in ascending order. Some of them ended their runs this year (“The Good Place”), some returned after a long hiatus (“Fargo,” “Search Party,” “Westworld”), some are limited series (“Unorthodox” and “I’ll Be Gone in the Dark”), and one show (“The Queen’s Gambit”) shattered Netflix viewership records. Here’s to a great 2021 and to many more hours of moving television!

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