Ja In thinks she has a possible solution, and as she presents it to her father, she asks him to spare Yi Kang's life. Worried of the Qing army's presence, Yi Hyun entreats his commanding officer to read the Treaty of Tianjin. Meanwhile, the Japanese army lands in Jemulpo.
도채비 추적에 나선 이강과 별동대.
부상을 입은 이현은 별동대의 추적에 붙잡힐 위기에 놓이고.
동학군을 피해 숨은 봉길은 전봉준을 암살할 계획을 세우는데..
Obéissant au Japon, le roi est contraint d'émettre un ordre contre son gré. Le projet de Ja-in de se rendre à Samnye la met en danger.