• TheTVDB.com Season ID 2002266
  • Created May 25, 2022
  • Modified November 9, 2023
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S2020E02 #2 - Precisamos falar de nomes
January 10, 2020
S2020E03 #3 - Gregos e romanos
January 23, 2020
S2020E04 #4 - Por que tantas versões para o mesmo mito?
February 7, 2020
S2020E05 #5 - Homero, o senhor do Olimpo
February 22, 2020
S2020E06 #6 - Zeus entra em cena
March 8, 2020
S2020E07 #7 - Zeus e Hera, o casal imperial
March 22, 2020
S2020E08 #8 - Por que Zeus trai Hera? E ela, por que atura isso?
April 13, 2020
S2020E09 #9 - Hera vai à luta
May 5, 2020
S2020E10 #10 - Posêidon, o ressentido
May 25, 2020
S2020E11 #11 - Atena, a deusa dos olhos brilhantes
June 7, 2020
S2020E12 #12 - O lado escuro de Atena
June 23, 2020
S2020E13 #13 - Atena, a deusa da justiça
July 12, 2020
S2020E14 #14 - Hefesto, o deus operário
July 26, 2020
S2020E15 #15 - A poderosa Afrodite
August 14, 2020
S2020E16 #16 - Os amores de Afrodite
September 2, 2020
S2020E17 #17 - Os amores de Afrodite, parte 2
September 16, 2020
S2020E18 #18 - Eros, o deus do amor
October 4, 2020
S2020E19 #19 - A história de Eros e Psiquê​
October 21, 2020
S2020E20 #20 - Hermes, o simpático trapaceiro
November 9, 2020
S2020E21 #21 - Deméter, a mãe
December 1, 2020
S2020E22 #22 - Apolo, luz e sombra
season finale
December 31, 2020

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