Sean wird nach einem Autounfall ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Zwar hat er keine größeren Verletzungen, aber der Vorfall hat seine Lebenseinstellung verändert. Auf der Station lernt er einen Patienten kennen, Joel Gideon. Joel hat beim Besteigen des Mount Everest schwere Frostverletzungen davongetragen. Angespornt von Joels Mut, plant Sean einen Tauchurlaub mit Matt in einem Hai-Revier. Er will seinem Sohn beweisen, dass sein Vater kein Weichei ist...
After a car accident due to cell phone use, Sean winds up in the hospital. As a result of the accident, Sean develops a phobia of driving and other dangerous things, causing a dent in his career. He thanks the car company because their safety features saved his life. The car company, wanting a point of view from this doctor who has been in a car accident, offers Sean a new car if he agrees to inspect the cadavers they use as crash test dummies after crash tests. Sean tries to take more risks, causing Julia to become upset. Trying to take more risks, Sean decides to go shark diving, and drags Matt along with him. After realizing how much he cares for his son, Sean decides not to follow through. Christian is reminded that his son is no longer in his life, and he turns for comfort in Julia, who reveals to him that Wilber is not his only son.
Sorti miraculeusement indemne d'un accident de voiture, Sean reconsidère sa vie. Prenant exemple sur l'un de ses patients qui revient de l'Himalaya, il décide de partir faire de la plongée avec son fils Matt...
Sean ha un incidente di macchina e sviluppa una nuova serie di fobie. Christian è alle prese con l'udienza per la custodia. Il giudice decide di affidare il piccolo Wilbur al padre naturale. Joel Gideon vuole ricostruirsi parte del viso dopo aver subito un parziale assideramento. Julia conforta Christian e, fra le lacrime, gli rivela che Matt è in realtà suo figlio.
После автомобильный аварии у Шона развивается фобия не только на вождение, но и на опасность вообще. В попытке справится с фобией Шон бросается из одной крайности в другую. Родной отец Уилбора хочет получить опеку над сыном, разрушая все надежды Кристиана. Джулия пытается его утешить, и невольно рассказывает Кристиану о другом его ребенке. В клинику обращается альпинист, который отморозил себе лицо в горах.
Un accidente de tráfico y un paciente que ha intentado conquistar el Everest inspira a Sean a asumir riesgos. Christian y Gina compiten con los Sutherlands por la custodia del hijo de Gina y el Sr. Sutherland. Julia desvela el secreto acerca de la paternidad de Matt.