Home / Series / New twenties / Aired Order /
  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 639823
  • Created September 29, 2015
  • Modified June 9, 2022
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S02E01 Sežigalnica
September 13, 2015
S02E02 Normalna služba
September 20, 2015
S02E03 Krača klopotača
September 27, 2015
S02E04 Po poti ocvirkov 30
S02E05 Solastnica 30
S02E06 Splet, doza in mafija 30
S02E07 Misliti s pravo glavo 30
S02E08 Služba je služba 30
S02E09 Skupinski portret 30
S02E10 Vse ostane v družini 30
S02E11 Redarjev bluz 30
S02E12 Sprana pistacija 30
S02E13 Vroč Seminar 30
S02E14 Rož ni nikoli preveč 30
S02E15 Po noči se jutro pozna 30
S02E16 Nova šefica 30
S02E17 Bomo zrihtali 30
S02E18 Cvetje v jeseni
series finale
January 10, 2016

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