The Baratie Arc is the fourth story arc in the East Blue Saga of the manga and anime, One Piece. The Straw Hats meet Johnny and Yosaku, who direct them to the restaurant ship Baratie, a sort of "floating oasis" in the middle of the ocean, where they meet Sanji. However, a pirate admiral named Don Krieg sets his sights on the Baratie as a replacement for his devastated fleet, and the restaurant soon comes under siege.
Name | First Aired | Runtime | Image | |
S09E01 | Enter: Sanji | |||
S09E02 | Pirate Commodore Don Krieg | |||
S09E03 | Storm | |||
S09E04 | The Oath | |||
S09E05 | Pearl | |||
S09E06 | Because of a Dream | |||
S09E07 | MH5 | |||
S09E08 | The Stalwart War Spear | |||
S09E09 | The Fourth |
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