The Jaya Arc is the twelfth story arc in the anime and manga series, One Piece, and the first of two in the Sky Island Saga. Jaya is the fifth island the Straw Hat Pirates encounter on the Grand Line. The island is made up of rain forest, and also has a port town called "Mock Town", which is known for being full of pirates. This is the first arc dubbed by FUNimation.
Name | First Aired | Runtime | Image | |
S17E01 | Why the Log Pose Is Spherical | |||
S17E02 | Never Dream | |||
S17E03 | People's Dreams | |||
S17E04 | Noland the Liar | |||
S17E05 | Let's Eat | |||
S17E06 | The Hundred Million Man | |||
S17E07 | The Highest Authority in the World | |||
S17E08 | The Knock-Up Stream |
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No artwork of this type.
No artwork of this type.