Home / Series / Nenstand Full Fights / Aired Order / Season 1999 / Episode 38

Practice Makes Perfect

Having advanced his training enough to form a usable attack, Naruto uses his Rasengan Shuriken to inflict Kakuzu with massive damage before Kakashi lands the deathblow. Elsewhere, deciding he has learned all he can from Orochimaru, Sasuke attempts to kill his former mentor as he decides to initiate the body-stealing process. Through the use of his Sharingan (写輪眼, lit. "Copy Wheel Eye", English manga: "Mirror Wheel Eye"), Sasuke is able to turn the process around and absorbs Orochimaru into his own body. Now able to act on his whim, Sasuke decides to finally enact his plan to kill Itachi. To that end, he recruits Suigetsu Hozuki and Karin and Jugo to aid him in his hunt.

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  • Created May 2, 2021 by
  • Modified May 2, 2021 by