Home / Series / Nenstand Full Fights / Aired Order / Season 1984 / Episode 31

The Terror of Cell (Cell, Stealthily Approaching)

The creature reveals his name as Cell, the last creation of Dr. Gero using cells from several warriors. Cell says he came from a future in which Trunks destroyed the androids, so he killed him and stole his time machine to come to this time and absorb #17 and #18 to reach his perfect form. Piccolo overpowers Cell, who escapes in order to become stronger. Meanwhile, Goku has recovered from his heart disease and takes Vegeta, Gohan and Trunks to Kami's Palace to train in the Room of Spirit and Time, which allows them to train what would be a year in just a day on the outside to surpass their Super Saiyan powers. Trunks and Vegeta enter first, while Piccolo is confronted by the androids and faces #17. After absorbing several people, Cell interrupts them and defeats Piccolo. #16 fights against Cell and overwhelms him, but Cell hides to absorb #17 and evolves into his semi-perfect form. The new Cell easily defeats #16 and attempts to absorb #18, but Tenshinhan intervenes.

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  • Created August 12, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified August 12, 2020 by
    Administrator admin