Noela sa dotkne prípad tehotnej ženy, ktorá sa snaží vyvolať potrat, no lekári zistia, že jej zdravotný stav je vážnejší ako sa na prvý pohľad mohlo zdať. Profesor Hrdlička sa snaží vypátrať, či naozaj má potomka ako to tvrdí jeho kamarát s alzheimerom. Alexandra je podozrievaná z užívania drog a to naštrbí jej dôveru s rodičmi.
Noel is touched by the case of a pregnant woman who is trying to induce an abortion, but the doctors discover that her health condition is more serious than it might seem at first glance. Professor Hrdlička is trying to find out if he really has a child, as his friend with Alzheimer's claims. Alexandra is suspected of using drugs and this damages her trust with her parents.