Na recepcii urgentného príjmu sa zjavuje poranený cyklista a stretne tam muža, ktorý ho zrazil. Ten si to ale nepamätá. Ujme sa ho doktor Balog. Inéz a doktor Čierny sa starajú o starého pacienta, ktorý je zbavený svojprávnosti kvôli demencii a syn ho dal do domova pre seniorov. Doktor Mišiak sa teší na konferenciu v Bostone a fakt, že nevie anglicky, mu v tom nevadí. Ďalej sa rieši trojuholník Zuza, Rebeka, Balog. A Laura predstiera kŕče, aby sa mohla vyzliecť pred Romanom, ale on odoláva.
An injured cyclist shows up at the emergency room reception and meets the man who hit him with a car. But he doesn't remember it. Doctor Balog decides to take care of him. Inéz and Dr. Čierny take care of an old patient who is deprived of his autonomy due to dementia and whose son has put him in a home for the elderly. Dr. Mišiak is looking forward to the conference in Boston, and the fact that he doesn't speak English doesn't bother him. The triangle Zuza, Rebeka, Balog is still on. And Laura fakes cramps so she can strip in front of Roman, but he resists.