The adventure begins as we learn to survive in 7 Days to Die.
We're gonna be rich! Appsro finds a treasure map and we set off to dig it up.
We set off to go shopping with our newfound riches, but several surprises are in-store for us along the way!
Just one day before the horde, there's dissent in the group ... and someone wants blood.
7 Days to Die ... 4and this is the 7th day.
It's moving day following the first horde! We look for a new home, and a new zombie gives us the cold shoulder.
Today we dig up treasure in the wasteland and settle on a new base ... and Simon finds some dynamite.
It's time to get serious about forts and bunkers.
Today we set off on the Man Eater Challenge ... then sort of get distracted by the city's amenities. When we get back, Doraleous has a huge Hunker Bunker surprise for us.
Today we set out to harvest a radio tower, and discover amazing new places while we're at it.
It's night 14, and the zombies aren't the only threats we have to worry about.
With another 7 days before the horde shows up, it's time for the boys to go looting for goodies.
Appsro heads out on his new minibike to find a trader that won’t rip him off like Traitor Joel, while Simon and Neebs renovate, and Doraleous builds a death trap.
Neebs and Thick head out on a harrowing quest to discover new places, people and equipment while Doraleous works on his hole until Appsro takes him out for a while.
Thick heads out on a solo treasure mission while everyone else hangs back to start preparing for the next horde. Appsro and Neebs start a night watch program that goes swimmingly.
Continuing from last week, Thick tries to find treasure again while Appsro, Simon, and Neebs go on an adventure in search of a minibike seat. Doraleous has a nice, chill time back at his bridge.
Recovering from last week's catastrophe, Doraleous rebuilds while Neebs and Simon become his new neighbors. Thick and Appsro take a trip to the wastelands.
Thick runs off for yet another buried treasure while Simon and Appsro set off on their own adventure full of racist cartoons. Neebs and Dora stay back home to work on their bases ... and have a realization about building minibikes.
With horde night one day away, Neebs and Appsro set out to paint their abodes while Thick goes on a Thick Adventure. After digging a moat, Simon goes on a minibike adventure with Doraleous ... at night ... to the wastelands.
It's horde day! Will the boys have their lighthouse ready in time?
With the horde over and the spoils looted, the boys set about fixing Simon's sacrificial minibike. Eventually, Doraleous decides to head out on his own for an adventure.
Appsro and Simon set off on a quest to faraway desert lands while Thick and Doraleous set off for more ... fertile pastures. Neebs stays home and digs again.
Thick's finally made his crucible! Thick and Appsro set off for yet another buried treasure while Neebs, Simon, and Doraleous stay home and make some snazzy additions to their homes.
Thick's finally made his electric fence!
Since last episode, the guys have spent an entire day digging the lighthouse moat deeper and wider. Today, Thick and Simon head off on an adventure and discover a dangerous zombie-infested missile silo while the other guys pick flowers.
Picking up where we left off, Thick heads back to the missile silo to pick up his stuff while everyone else stays home and decorates.
It's horde night again! Place your bets on the lighthouse's chances of surviving a second blood moon! The guys still have a lot of preparation to do and it's a rush to be ready on-time, and it may turn out that they're more of a danger to themselves than the zombies are.
After making it through the most recent horde (sort of), the boys cash in on their spoils while Doraleous organizes a SWAT team.
It's time for some upgrades! Thick and Neebs set out to a big city to look for a sniper rifle, while Simon and Appsro go on a hunting trip so the group can feast on meat stew.
It's moving day! The boys set out for greener pastures and lose Simon's recording along the way!
The plan is simple - put Simon in a bulletproof glass box and surround it with mines for horde night. Today is the setup. Also Simon decides to replace all of the walls in his actual house with regular, non-bulletproof windows. Because why not?
Today Appsro falls in love with being sneaky. The guys also get work done on Simon's perilous glass house, get some new goodies, and prepare for the next horde. Doraleous and Simon both have troubles ... existing.
Today Thick and Appsro find a western town, then Appsro loses his mind in the heat! Simon and Doraleous start a church of the damned, and Neebs toils away at his super good horde night idea.
Today Doraleous loses his mind. The boys square off against some bears, go on a bike adventure, meet a new friend, and meet a new enemy.
Whelp, it's horde night ... and it's a big one. We probably should've made more than just a bulletproof telephone booth surrounded by mines.
It's moving day again! But first, the guys all head out together to investigate something curious that Doraleous spotted just before the last horde.
Today Thick has a baaaaad day while the rest of the guys make their way to the new place.
Today a bridge is built, Thick returns to his nemesis, and Dora and Neebs run a lot of errands that were cut for time.
Today Thick gets his revenge on the building that's haunted him for days, while Dora and Neebs head out in search of screamers to kill ... because that's how screamers work?
Dora and Appsro set out to climb towers and monkeybars while Neebs stays home and stresses over aesthetics. It turns out that Neebs may have made the right choice in staying home ...
The guys have a little bit of a failure to launch today, but once they get going, Dora, Simon, and Appsro venture out to a pharmaceutical building and find more than they were looking for.
Continuing their climb up the Habanero Pharmacy, the boys find a jolly green giant filling his prescription.
Only a few days left until horde night. The boys gather supplies and Doraleous tells a special story.
The guys all prepare for the horde, and cap off their day with a very impromptu cooking show.
It's horde night! Will the zombies come from the right direction? Will the ThickFortyFourtress collapse into the canyon?! Will ladders again be the toughest enemy?!! Stay tuned!!!
The boys move into a huge cabin in the snowy woods together ... but soon discover they may have bitten off more than they can chew.
With Thick out of commission after last week's kerfuffle, the boys split into groups to gather resources for their new base and start building defenses.
Today Dora gives the guys a shopping list. They spend the rest of the day ... fulfilling it? Thick44 Magnum episode? More like Thick44th Wall Break episode. Ha!
Today is sure to be a carefree Christmas adventure in September ... until a fateful misdirection causes one of the crew to become an interdimensional shadow being.
Simon returns to the edge of the world to get his stuff, then Simon returns to the edge of the world to get his stuff, Simon returns to the edge of the world to get his stuff. Also the rest of the guys are there.
You read that title correctly! Thick finally finds a certain something he needs to fulfill his dream.
Neebs and Simon set of on a mission to be as stupid as possible while Appsro and Thick try to be as smart as possible ... and Doraleous stays home to work on the final touches of his horde plan, trying to be both as smart as possible and as stupid as possible simultaneously.
Season Finale! Will Dora's underground haunted mega-bunker pull through and protect our boys, or will his shoddy workmanship be their downfall?
7 Days is back. Our long awaited return to good ole' Navazgane.
7 Days is back and this Horror Motel/Bates Motel/Spa Resort is soooo scary, and maybe full of goodies. Watch and find out :)
Dora and Thick loot a city while Appsro and Neebs deal with some unfriendly creatures.
Neebs starts a new fort and Appsro moves into a farm house, while Thick and Simon explore an abandoned mine.
Simon and Dora find themselves in a crazy world, only to realize it's all just one big, beautiful song. Neebs and Appsro find a zombie bear.
How do I build a bike in 7 Days, you ask? Well we're going to show you!
The title says it all.
Alpha 18 and we get one of the best weapons in the game!
You've never witnessed such masters of lootery.
Neebs goes toe to hoof with a nasty pig.
While the gang loots in preparation for Alpha 18 horde number 1, Appsro has more pressing issues.
Neebs and Appsro find themselves in a terrible situation while exploring.
I can’t believe I survived that!!!
Our first Alpha 18 Horde Night!
Friendly fire turret loves Simon.
How to paint in Alpha 18 and Neebs starts on his horde base!
Motorcycle zombie mowin'!
7 Days to Die has a giant infected pig named Grace. This was the story of how we met her :) Hope you enjoy!
Church can heal ones soul. Also, Simon is kinda bad@ss this episode.
7 Days to Die has never seen a base like this one. Never ...
Chaos at the carrot base.
Zombies are under our house.
4X4 time. Let's take this baby for a spin. (at least until we hit a twist, that is)
Neebs and Simon find a new city. The rest of the gang prepare for the zombie hoard.
Today Doraleous gets tired of zombies spawning in his incredibly spacious home, while Neebs and Simon struggle to survive by themselves.
Neebs and Simon explore an Army base, Appsro and Thick improve the next horde base and Doraleous has a flashback. Bam.
Can Thick44 take on a bear with a motorcycle? Who do you think will win?
It's Horde Night in 7 Days to Die and Appsro's base will be put to the test.
Time to move! A few blocks away, that is. Oh, and Dora is starting to make a horde defense tower that looks like a big d**k!
Appsro breaks the entire map.
Neebs, Appsro, and Simon find themselves in a bad spot raiding a factory.
Better fix those arrows. A hordes a comin'!
We see if armor-piercing ammo helps us any.
Does it?
Thick plans out the next base build for horde night, Dora and Appsro discover a massive underground bunker, and Simon and Neebs look for loot.
We finally build a gyrocopter!!!
The guys do lots of desert looting while Thick continues his base build.
Horde Night with Glock9. Will Thick's base hold up?
It's time to build a new 7 Days hoard base and it's up to Simon.
Description! Remember to use relevant keywords.
We have a screamer infestation!
Let's see how Simon's horde base fairs in our last night before we move to Alpha 19.
7 Days to Die: Alpha 19 is here and so are we!
Apprso is the hero we didn't know we needed nor asked for
Some angry pooches are giving us a hard time near the base
The birds are out of control in this episode
We're moving to the city!
Will the wolf get the best of Simon?
Can it make for a good horde base?
WE explore a spooky forest
Tower Parkour! Simon takes on the tower that once killed Thick over and over again. Does Simon suffer the same fate?
We prepare for horde night. What are the chances Thick's base works?
Skyscraper Horde! Will it come crashing down?
Things get very bad trying to raid the Shamway
The guys find a secret firing range
Simon vs Doraleous. Who will win?
How good of a pilot is Appsro?
Vertiigo Gaming joins us and immediately finds an enemy
Horde Night with Vertiigo Gaming. We can't apologize enough to him. lol
Jeep Stunts! No one has ever done Jeep stunts like this!
What happens when you jump a jeep off of a skyscraper?
This can't go wrong...right?
Thick44 plus mines equals a good time! Or someone getting Thick'd
Will this horde base work or will it be our grave?
Permadeath Starts Now! If one of us dies, we're gone for good. Start your dead pools
Neebs flies the gyrocopter. Guess what happens next
We have our first death in the perma-death series!
We're still in perma-death week and things are getting pretty hairy!
Dora tests out his new abilities and Neebs and Thick visit a familiar place.
Hunting can be dangerous but also a lot of fun with Thick44
Who will stay alive in the final installment of our permadeath series? Tell us who you think in the comments
Going for an air drop loot box can result in valuable resources, or certain death.
Here it is folks. And the winner is ..??!
Today the crew begins their journey on Darkness Falls.
Today the crew decides on their jobs in Darkness Falls.
Today in Darkness Falls, Thick and Neebs go on a long adventure.
Today in Darkness Falls, Simon carries the team on his back.
Today in Darkness Falls, the crew prepares for the oncoming horde.
Today in Darkness Falls, the crew starves as the horde approaches.
Today in Darkness Falls, the crew tries to find a new base.
Today in Darkness Falls, the crew tries to find a home.
Today in Darkness Falls, Simon and Thick try to start a horde base.
Today in Darkness Falls, Doraleous tries to get revenge.
Today in Darkness Falls, the crew works on some base upgrades.
Today in Darkness Falls, the crew fights the horde.
Today in Darkness Falls, Dora and Simon try to find a spot for the next horde.
Today in Darkness Falls, a screamer infestation gets out of hand.
Today in Darkness Falls, Appsro makes some golf equipment.
Today in Darkness Falls, Simon and Appsro do some trader mission while Doraleous works on the next horde base.
Today in Darkness Falls, Simon and Thick try doing some trader missions.
Today in Darkness Falls, final touches are put on the horde base.
The third horde arrives.
Today in Darkness Falls, Appsro begins work on a new horde base.
Neebs tests some possible horde night strategies.
Simon, Thick and Dora do some trader missions.
Appsro continues working on his horde base while everyone else does some trader missions.
Simon and Thick attempt to get the golf cart back.
Appsro attempts to make the finishing touches on his horde base
Today in Darkness Falls, the 4th horde arrives.
Neebs begins his horde base idea.
Appsro tries to rescue Thick from the desert.
Simon and Thick try to get back their lost bags.
Dora and Simon try to get some titanium.
Dora and Appsro do some missions while Simon builds a ramp.
Simon becomes an apple farmer while Dora and Appsro do some trader
Neebs' horde base is put to the test.
Today in Darkness Falls, Khaine teaches the gang.
Appsro and Dora focus on some story quests.
Appsro continues doing some work for Razer.
Appsro continues working on story quests while Simon and Khaine prepare for the oncoming horde.
The crew fights the 6th horde.
Appsro and Simon continue doing story missions together while Doraleous plans his horde base.
Simon, Neebs, and Appsro try to recover from last episode.
Appsro and Neebs go out looking for resources while Doraleous and Simon keep working on the horde base.
Appsro and Neebs try to advance their weapon tech.
Appsro goes out on a loot run while the rest of the gang make the final improvements to the horde base.
Today in Darkness Falls, the crew faces the 7th horde.
The gang tries to find a new home.
Appsro and Neebs get settled in their new home while Doraleous and Simon go off looting.
Doraleous checks out some tier 3 trader missions.
Appsro runs into some problems with the horde base while Neebs and Simon do trader missions together.
Today in Darkness Falls, the gang struggles to fix their food supply.
Appsro puts his finishing touches on the horde base.
The gang goes up against the 8th horde.
Dora and Simon go out on an adventure while Appsro tries to finish his class quest.
Appsro attempts to find titanium.
Appsro and Simon look for a new trader while Neebs works on some horde base improvements.
Appsro and Dora try to make some money.
Appsro and Dora go to the wasteland to buy a chopper.
Dora and Simon do some trader missions together while Appsro and Neebs get supplies.
Appsro and Simon go back to the snow biome for some long awaited revenge.
The gang goes up against the 9th horde.
The gang tries to finish their mission in the snow biome.
Neebs and Appsro gather some materials while Simon, Dora and Khaine plan out the horde base.
Appsro, Dora and Khaine check out a western town.
Dora and Khaine continue their beef while Appsro works on his western town.
Dora tries to get a plane.
Khaine, Neebs and Dora go out looting while Appsro and Simon work on the horde base.
The crew faces off against the tenth horde.
Today in Darkness Falls, Appsro, Neebs, and Simon go to the wasteland to raid a bunker.
Today in Darkness Falls, Dora and Neebs work on the new horde base.
Today in Darkness Falls, Appsro and Simon tend to local businesses.
Simon, Appsro and Neebs try to get a laser workbench.
Simon, Appsro and Neebs regroup and think about what to do next.
The gang faces the 11th horde.
Appsro starts working on the new horde base.
Khaine helps the crew prepare for the bunker.
The crew makes another attempt to get the laser workbench.
Appsro continues work on the horde base while Neebs and Dora get resources.
Appsro and Khaine attempt to get the laser workbench once and for all.
The crew faces the 12th horde.
The crew tries to grab the laser workbench.
Appsro and Simon look for rare materials in the wasteland.
Simon does some science while Appsro and Doraleous venture out to find plutonium.
Appsro scours the wasteland for uranium.
Appsro gives everybody new laser weapons and heads to the wasteland to test them.
Appsro and Khaine try to get materials from harvesting bears, while the rest of the crew prepare for the oncoming horde night.
The crew faces the 13th horde.
Today in Darkness Falls, Appsro, Simon and Khaine prepare this week's horde base, while Neebs and Dora do some trader missions.
Today in Darkness Falls, Appsro and Neebs scavenge in for materials to make laser ammo, while everyone else prepares the base for horde night.
Today in Darkness Falls, Appsro and Neebs explore the upside down version of their home.
Today in Darkness Falls, the crew prepares for the final horde.
Today in Darkness Falls, the crew faces the final horde before unveiling the winner of the election!
Day one of our new 7 Days competitive series, Horde Night Every Night!!!
Day two of Cul-de-sacked! Barter, anyone?
An infection is seeping through our veins.
We have our first death folks!
With one death upon us, will there be another? Perhaps a friendly police officer will know.
Batter up!!!
One of us is getting a little extra attention this evening.
Someone seems to be pretty proud of their new vehicle
Certainly not the friendliest trader, but he's getting plenty of our business.
One of us has some valuable information.
Burn em all! Oh. wait a second.
Sometimes zombies just gotta party.
Looks like someone got a new toy.
We all have our tactics. Some are very pointy.
One of us is apparently throwing an open house.
There's a minibike for sale. Also, Dora's house looks like swiss cheese.
Fancy a blade trap?
A little change of pace tonight. For a minute at least.
You read it right. Much drama to follow.
Is there even enough time?
Another fun filled episode with twists and turns. And death.
Something is wrong here.
Surely one of these hordes is going to take another one of us out. That or we will.
Ferals, bad dogs, and crumbling structures.
The thread can only hold so long.
Dora's 7 Days to Die house is gone, Appsro is a baton beast, and Simon makes spikes.
Wasteland meetings and tier one mission problems.
Block damage has been increased and it has made a difference. Also, the yacht finally gets a proper tour.
The end is drawing near but who's gonna die next?
Things are getting heated!
With his horde base hanging on by a thread and after losing most of his supplies, Dora gives his parting speech.
Simon has lost his mind while someone mines his loss?? (sorry, couldn't resist)
The crew begins their journey.
The crew gets to know their neighbors.
The crew spreads out and gathers supplies.
The crew discusses the new random horde rule.
Appsro and Simon explore new areas while Dora gets his loot on.
Appsro searches for ways to get rid of his infection
Neebs returns from the failed adventure.
Appsro, Dora, and Simon set out to find some important books.
Dora and Neebs check out the snow biome.
Simon becomes metal while Appsro searches the unexplored.
Dora and Simon try to clear a sketchy bookstore.
Appsro desperately searches for a bellows.
The crew gets a lot of trader rep.
Neebs continues to work on the horde base while Dora, Appsro, and Simon adventure out into the unknown.
The gang checks out a new crazy POI.
Appsro tries to finally craft a chemistry station.
Neebs, Dora, and Simon explore the unexplored.
Aerial acrobatics are performed.
The crew venture into the wasteland to find rare books.
The crew fight for their lives in the wasteland.
The crew battles against the final horde.
Fresh Start in A finished game! - 7D2D 1.0
While our brave heroes haven't quite found each other yet, Appsro has his eyes set on something very tall.
The group gets back together and half of them can't stop crouching for some reason.
Bikes, a new trader, new tea, and a late night risk.
Having a bike to get around in 7 Days to Die is quite helpful. One of us just can't seem to get one.
We're reading books and confessing our sins.
2 bases, 1 horde. How will it go?
Time to move and it sucks. Also, Dora has a nice surprise at the end.
Dora and Appsro head back to school and it doesn't go very well.
Dora and Appsro go check out the desert and run into an old friend.
You can learn a lot from Neebs Gaming along with learning how to break into a police station.
Can Dora tackle the military base? Can Neebs Piss off Dora by squatting?
Another big move is happening while Neebs deals with an unwanted guest.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
The boys have another moving day, some trouble follows along with a reveal.
Fire can be very helpful in 7 days to die. Can it help with the tools though?
We have a new chef and Dora has some wonderful news to share.
A very dangerous POI is tackled along with the introduction of a decision deciding game.
Neebs improves on his horde base, Appsro on his transportation, while Simon and Dora hunt for buried supplies.
Fun, games, and challenges fill the day followed by one hell of a story.
Our 3rd horde night in this series. How will it go??
After a successful horde night, Appsro starts working on the next one and Simon sneaks up on bears.
An unlikely duo sets out and gets into some shenanigans.
Some changes are being made around town along with a new business. Also, Dora bites his tongue.
Everyone is super busy with super important things. Plus... Who's Your Daddy?