Home / Series / Ned and Stacey / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 9

Reality Check

At a birthday dinner for Amanda at the gang's regular restaurant, Stacey's credit cards are all overdrawn when she tries to pay. Eric offers to pick up the check, but Stacey says no, it's my treat--and tells Ned to pay. Back at the apartment she writes Ned a check for the dinner, a check he knows will bounce. Ned soon gets the story out of her--she's in deep financial trouble. In fact when Eric comes over to figure out her situation, he finds she's $28,000 in debt! Amanda suggests she start cutting her losses by moving out on Ned, but he will not hear of losing his trophy wife. The next morning Ned and Stacey visit the bank to try to straighten things out and are told they best term they can offer her is a partial payment of $5600 due immediately. Ned writes a check but a proud (and unrealistic) Stacey tears it up, still insisting their finances are separate and she can pay off the money herself. Stacey is rolling up coins, taking hack writing jobs, doing anything she can to make money

čeština English
  • Originally Aired November 13, 1995
  • Runtime 25 minutes
  • Production Code 109
  • Network FOX
  • Created August 7, 2010 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified August 7, 2010 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Tony Sheehan Writer
Phyllis Timbes Guest Star
Lori Alan Guest Star
Olivia Newton-John Guest Star
Michele Aimee Moore Guest Star
Monte Chambers Guest Star
Susan Morrison Canestro Guest Star
Loretta Devine Guest Star
Alan Myerson Director