A look at some of nature's most wild and wonderful babies, from insects to mammals. Growing up can be a happy time for these young ones but it’s not all fun and games – it also has its challenges and traumas. The maternal bonds between the mother and babies of various species, such as leopards, baboons and wild dogs, are observed in episode two.
A look at nature's most wild and wonderful babies. Just how well a baby animal copes with each new encounter dictates its ultimate success in the animal kingdom. Episode four, All in the Family, looks at the family units of various African animals such as cheetahs and mongooses.
Borneo in South East Asia is the third largest island in the world. Its remaining forests protect rare and astonishing wildlife.
Like a lifeline carved in the hostile plain, the wide meanders of the Ewaso Ng'iro wind through the Samburu reserve.
At the border between Kenya and Tanzania, on the Olkere plain, young mothers have found their oasis. A vast expanse of tender grass couched in the heart of the savannah, as if to defy the aridity. Spring has started and with it the uninterrupted waltz of births. But there where life comes forth so to does death. At Olkere predators have chosen to lurk on the traces of their prey.
Linked to Patagonia in Argentina is a narrow strip of land. The Valdes Peninsula winds it way along a capricious line of sand and red sandstone cliffs in the Atlantic ocean. It's called the nursery of the south Atlantic. Every year thousands of sea mammals are drawn to these peaceful waters and virgin beaches to give birth, to reproduce. On the vast plateau swept by the winds, pampas hares encounter ferocious Guanacos, and nearby Magellan penguins. A new season of births is beginning, under the drowsy gaze of the patriarchs of the sea.