Nagashima Daigo and his wife, Aya, have three grown-up sons. Upon her youngest son, Takeru's marriage, Daigo is unhappy that his sons all choose to move out with their wives. Worrying that his wife will feel lonely, going through the empty-nest syndrome, he decides to retire from his job and take his wife around the world. When he tells her his plans, he is surprised to find out that Aya has plans of her own. To her, she is finally her own woman and can now do the things that she wants. Aya, who comes from a restaurant-running family, soon tells Daigo that she intends to convert their home into a little cafe-cum-restaurant. Although he was initially unhappy with her decision, after realising that it is Aya's dream, he gives in to her wish.
長島大悟 と妻・綾 の三男・健 の披露宴もお開きとなり、長男・悟 と妻・美智 、二男・至 と、その妻・マリ の家族全員で、健の新たなる門出を祝福した。
已临近退休年龄的会社职员长岛大悟 终于将第三个儿子也送入婚姻殿堂,与之前设想的有些不一样,孩子们全都搬到外面居住,偌大的房子显得空空荡荡。稍显落寞的长岛打算退休后带着妻子绫 环游世界,以补偿太太多年来对这个家的付出。谁知绫早已做好打算,好不容易摆脱母亲的角色,她开始筹划开一家梦想许久的料理店。任凭长岛如何劝阻,无奈妻子已经坚定信念,一向性格温吞和善的长岛也只好同意,助其筹划。内有丈夫和姐姐 相助,随后又招收了内田阳子、大竹升、中津惠理 等年轻人加盟。