Kankuro wird von den Samurais gerettet, die sich nun auch am Krieg beteiligen. Zwei alte Bekannte treffen nun auf dem Schlachtfeld erneut aufeinander.
As the Surprise Attack Division attempt to retreat the the rendezvous point, they are chased by Akatsuki's reinforcements. Summoning his salamander Ibuse, Hanzō orders it to attack. Unleashing a paralysing mist of poison, the division is rendered paralyzed and left at Hanzō's mercy. However Mifune and his division soon arrive and he deflects the would-be devastating blow. Conversing about the past and the paths they had chosen to walk, as the two trade blows, Mifune is able to break Hanzō's sickle and respirator. Finally remembering his encounter with Mifune in life, Hanzō moves towards his broken kusarigama and using the blade commits seppuku, telling Mifune that he entrusts him with his conviction. This act cuts the poisonous sac that had been in Hanzō's body since he was a child, and causes the poison to leak out and evaporate. Shocking Kabuto Yakushi, Hanzō's body ceases to respond to his orders and the legendary shinobi is soon bound and sealed.
Kankuro et son unité d'élite font face à l'attaque empoisonnée de Hanzo. Mais heureusement, la 5ème unité guidée par Mifune vient en renfort.
בתחילת הפרק, קאנקורו ויחידת הקומנדו נקלעים לצרה עם האוייבים, תגבורת הסמוראים מגיעה ובמהרה פורץ קרב בין האנזו למיפונה, הקרב משלב זיכרונות מן העבר של השניים.
I ninja resuscitati sono all'inseguimento della squadra capitanata da Kankuro. L'ex-leader del Villaggio della Pioggia, Hanzo la Salamandra, è fra i ninja resuscitati.
Hanzo se encuentra con Mifune y empieza la lucha entre dos antiguos enemigos, Hanzo recuerda como fue su muerte ante Pain y la batalla que tuvo hace mucho tiempo contra el samurai la cual venció y salvó la vida de Mifune en la pelea. Hanzo pierde y se da cuenta que aunque sea inmortal nunca cambiaría el mundo hacía la paz, suicidándose al estilo samurái con un Seppuku para luego ser sellado.
O Esquadrão de Kankurō é cercado pelo ataque venenoso de Hanzō. Felizmente, Mifune e seu esquadrão chegam a tempo para ajudar.
O Esquadrão de Kankurō é cercado pelo ataque venenoso de Hanzō. Felizmente, Mifune e seu esquadrão chegam a tempo para ajudar.