Nach einem Hinweis von Nanana geht der Abenteuer-Klub auf die Jagd nach einem Teil der Nanana Collection. Gefahr droht von einem Verräter in den eigenen Reihen...
After clearing the ruins in the classroom, Juugo, Tensai, and Daruku become members of the Adventure Club. At club president Yuiga Isshin's request, Juugo undergoes a trial administered by Nanana to get her to share the location of the next treasure. This complete, the Adventure Club sets off to the Rising Building. As they search for the ruins, Tensai quickly finds a certain door...
El club de aventuras emprende otra travesía en búsqueda de otro tesoro de la colección de Nanana. En esta entrega Juugo conocerá más sobre el comportamiento de Nanana y sobre el lugar que alberga la colección.
모험부에 들어가게 된 쥬고와 텐사이, 다르크는 빌딩에 숨겨져 있다는 나나나 컬렉션을 공략하러 간다. 텐사이는 자칭 명탐정이라는 말에 걸맞게 나나나 컬렉션이 있다는 유적 입구를 가장 먼저 발견하는데...