A murder brings Raimei closer to finding Raikō. Aizawa is dispatched to stop Raimei from doing anything drastic. Miharu stays with Kumohira while his aunt is away. Meanwhile, the Kairōshū gathers. Yoite begins to show signs of his life force leaking due to Kira. He quickly leaves to find Miharu. Miharu asks Kumohira about the secrets he is unwilling to tell and reveals he will use the Shinrabanshō to help Yoite. An unknown woman finds Yoite unconscious near Kumohira's house. Raimei arrives at a garden where Raikō attacks her.
Un asesinato acerca a Raimei a encontrar a Raikō. Aizawa es enviado para evitar que Raimei haga algo drástico. Miharu se queda con Kumohira mientras su tía está fuera. Mientras tanto, el Kairōshū se reúne. Yoite comienza a mostrar signos de que su fuerza vital se está escapando debido a Kira.
兄・雷光が雷鳴を除く清水家の全員を切り捨て、清水家から出奔した日からまもな5年。その日以来、雷鳴は雷光を探し続けていた。灰狼衆に造反する人間に制裁を加 える「分刀」の二人組。そのひとりが、雷光だった。