Under one shelter. Aaryan and the Naga Siblings who vacated the garage have been offered a place to stay at Harshini's house. Jyothibala receives a bouquet of flowers received by his grandmother, stirring curiosity. Aaryan and Harshini meet Mithran who emphasises on the importance of social media as part of their growth as a band. Meanwhile Dhilip spots Rekha at his house.
Under one shelter. Aaryan and the Naga Siblings who vacated the garage have been offered a place to stay at Harshini's house. Jyothibala receives a bouquet of flowers received by his grandmother, stirring curiosity. Aaryan and Harshini meet Mithran who emphasises on the importance of social media as part of their growth as a band. Meanwhile Dhilip spots Rekha at his house.