Movie Plot: Only the hero Prince Of Space can save Japan from an evil alien attack. On the SOL: The SOL is sucked into a wormhole causing all sorts of things to happen, including Mike turning into a puppet and the entire crew ending up the woods of Minnesota / Mike marries Krankor, the villain of the movie. On the Widowmaker: While outside going to the bathroom, Bobo pulls the Widowmaker into a wormhole, taking the SOL with it / Pearl and Brain Guy land the Widowmaker in what seems to be ancient Rome. Original film made in 1959.
Name | Type | Role | |
Kevin Murphy | Guest Star | ||
Bill Corbett | Guest Star | ||
Tatsuo Umemiya | Guest Star | ||
Joji Oka | Guest Star | ||
Eijiro Wakabayashi | Director | ||
Kevin Murphy | Director |