Die Geschichte der englischen Könige ist voller Geheimnisse. Zu den mysteriösesten Fällen gehört das Verschwinden von König Edward V. und seines neun Jahre jüngeren Bruders Richard – eine Geschichte, die William Shakespeare zu seinem Drama „Richard III.“ inspirierte. Im Jahr 1483 waren die Brüder im Tower von London eingekerkert, da sie beide angeblich nur illegitime Söhne von König Edward IV. waren. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt stieg ihr Onkel Richard, der Herzog von Gloucester, als Richard III. auf den Thron. Edward V. und sein Bruder Richard sollen damals ermordet worden sein.
One of Britain’s oldest unsolved mysteries, but what really happened to the Princes in the Tower? The two Princes were the sons of Edward IV and heir to the English throne who were allegedly murdered by their uncle, Richard III. But what real proof is there? We have two skeletons found in the Tower of London that are supposedly the remains of the princes, but their authenticity is highly disputed. Mystery Files re-opens the murder case and assesses whether Shakespeare’s evil, decrepit Richard III is nothing more than Tudor propaganda.
When Princes Edward and Richard, heirs to the English throne, disappeared within the walls of the Tower of London in late June 1483, rumours soon began to circulate. They vanished while in the care of their Uncle Richard who was brother to the late King Edward IV and so would inherit the throne if it wasn’t for the princes, and as the news started to spread, cries of murder were heard across England. Their disappearance is shrouded in mystery but were they killed? And if so by who?
Retour sur l'une des plus fascinantes intrigues de l'Histoire, celle de l'assassinat d'Edouard V. En 1483, le roi d'Angleterre disparaît de la Tour de Londres avec son fils de 5 ans. Cette disparition, qui a modifié la lignée royale, a failli mener le pays à la banqueroute et a contribué à la séparation avec l'Eglise catholique. Richard III a longtemps été accusé du crime, mais les techniques d'investigation modernes remettent sa culpabilité en doute.