Nanaka acts coldly towards Sana the following day, even after Sana explains his incident with Asami was an accident. After Sana exclaims that Nanaka is not her old self, she angrily runs away. Sana comes upon an old mailbox that Sana and Nanaka used for private communication in their youth, and finds dozens of letters, some desperate cries for help. Sana then learns from Syusuke that three years prior, Nanaka's house had burned down, killing both of her parents and traumatizing her. After learning of Yuzuki's ability to cheer herself up with caramel, Sana meets Nanaka, who tearfully denounces him for not being there for her when she needed him most.
Nanaka actúa con frialdad hacia Sana al día siguiente, incluso después de que Sana le explica que su incidente con Asami fue un accidente. Después de que Sana exclama que Nanaka no es la misma de antes, huye enfadada. Sana encuentra un buzón antiguo que Sana y Nanaka usaban para comunicarse en privado en su juventud, y encuentra docenas de cartas, algunas de ellas con gritos desesperados de ayuda.