충격에 빠지는 해준과 윤영, 그리고 우정리 마을 사람들. 하지만 경찰이 계속해서 수사를 진행하는 와중에도 용의자는 입을 닫고 버틸 뿐이다. 해준은 이상한 낌새를 눈치채고, 비밀을 밝히기 위해 움직이기 시작한다.
The situation looks grim for Hee-seob and Yoo-seob, but Hae-jun realizes the lengths to which Hee-seob is willing to go to safeguard his loved ones. Consumed by guilt over her sister's demise, Soon-ae takes it upon herself to aid Hee-seob in proving his innocence, but her father disagrees. Eventually, Yoo-seob discovers that Hee-seob has been apprehended. Hae-jun devises a solution to free Hee-seob from trouble, while Yoon-young anxiously waits for him outside an inn.