A mini-series based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that take place during the past events of The Last Problem, titled Friendship is Forever, was produced in 2019. In this mini-series, Twilight's friends collect all the memories she's had with them and make a book for her out of the memories. There are a total of six episodes.
Name | First Aired | Runtime | Image | |
S01E01 | A-Dressing Memories |
April 20, 2020
22 | |
S01E02 | Cakes for the Memories |
April 27, 2020
22 | |
S01E03 | Memnagerie |
May 4, 2020
22 | |
S01E04 | Deep Tissue Memories |
May 11, 2020
22 | |
S01E05 | Harvesting Memories |
May 18, 2020
22 | |
S01E06 |
Memories and More
series finale
May 25, 2020
22 |