"My Little Margie" was the story of Margie Albright (played by Gale Storm), the vivacious, irrepresable, 21-year-old daughter of Vernon Albright (played by former silent screen star, Charles Farrell), a widowed executive at the investment-counseling firm of Honeywell & Todd. The Albrights resided in a Fifth Avenue apartment in New York. Margie was always trying to help her father get a client, avoid a designing woman, or just to act his age as she felt he should. Margie's elaborate plans almost always included a disguise of some sort, she masqueraded as everything from a male opera singer to Vern's mother to her own, non-exsistant sister to the Albright's equally non-exsistant maid. Usually helping her with her schemes were the spunky Mrs. Odett's, the Albright's aged neighbor, and Freddie Wilson, Margie's ardent boyfriend, whom Vern disliked intently. Other characters in the mix were Mr. Honeywell, Vern's exasparated boss; R
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | April 1955 | 1 | |
Season 1 | June 1952 | September 1952 | 13 |
Season 2 | October 1952 | July 1953 | 35 |
Season 3 | January 1953 | May 1954 | 39 |
Season 4 | September 1954 | May 1955 | 39 |
Unassigned Episodes | 2 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Unassigned Episodes | 129 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | 0 | ||
Unassigned Episodes | 129 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Hal Yates | 120 | 06/09/1952 - 05/25/1955 | |
G. Carleton Brown | 94 | 06/09/1952 - 05/18/1955 | |
Jerry Adelman | 7 | 01/27/1954 - 05/26/1954 | |
John Kohn | 6 | 02/26/1953 - 05/12/1954 | |
Alan Woods | 6 | 02/26/1953 - 05/12/1954 | |
Nate Watt | 2 | 04/09/1953 - 04/16/1953 | |
William F. Raynor | 1 | 05/25/1955 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Frank Gill Jr. | 55 | 10/18/1952 - 05/18/1955 | |
Frank Fox | 42 | 06/09/1952 - 01/06/1954 | |
Audrey Lives | 10 | 04/23/1953 - 09/02/1953 | |
Nathaniel Curtis | 5 | 07/14/1952 - 01/05/1955 | |
Edward E. Seabrook | 3 | 11/25/1953 - 12/08/1954 | |
Jack Crutcher | 2 | 12/15/1954 - 02/09/1955 | |
Jim Bullock | 2 | 06/04/1953 - 02/17/1954 | |
Homer McCoy | 2 | 03/24/1954 - 12/08/1954 | |
Robert Raff | 2 | 06/04/1953 - 02/17/1954 | |
Rick Vollaerts | 1 | 11/01/1952 | |
Noreen McCoy | 1 | 11/25/1953 | |
Elwood Ullman | 1 | 02/12/1953 | |
Lee B. Henry | 1 | 04/28/1954 | |
Earl Baldwin | 1 | 12/02/1953 | |
Charles Hoffman | 1 | 11/04/1953 | |
Jesse Goldstein | 1 | 07/28/1952 | |
Edward Bernds | 1 | 02/12/1953 | |
Herbert F. Margolis | 1 | 05/25/1955 | |
Kenneth Noyes | 1 | 12/23/1953 |
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