The first episode follows comedian, musician and actor Bill Bailey on his prehistoric mystery tour around Stonehenge where he, in his own unique and inimitable style, uncovers the various theories as to why this famous landmark was built and what it is about the enigmatic setting that still baffles scientists today.
Interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen travels to South London’s Eltham Palace. Originally built as a medieval palace and later serving as Henry VIII’s boyhood home, Eltham Palace was lovingly restored in the 1930s to become an ultra-modern party pad for the pre-war elite. Laurence expresses his admiration for its bizarre mixture of bespoke art deco and medieval magnificence.
Archaeologist and Coast presenter Neil Oliver uncovers the history of Hadrian’s Wall, the symbolic structure, where the Roman Empire was stopped in its tracks by the fierce Scots.
Peter Snow, journalist and broadcaster, examines history’s key moments at Dover Castle. This mighty fortress has been the service in defence of the monarchy for over 800 years.
Queen Victoria’s stunning island hideaway, Osborne House is explored by TV personality Konnie Huq. Located on the Isle of Wight, Konnie presents a moving tour of the Royal home, which was designed by Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert specifically as a retreat where they could lead a ‘normal’ family life.
Zoologist and TV presenter Charlotte Uhlenbroek travels around the ruins of Cornwall’s 1000 year old Tintagel Castle. The historic spot is forever linked to King Arthur and Charlotte investigates the truth behind the legend.