Former sorority sisters Francine Sanchez and Julie Marcus-Downs are determined to have a fierce and fabulous joint 40th birthday party. Francine and Julie are elated when eccentric party planner, Sarina, promises them the world – including a private jet, "aerial bartenders," and a serenade from their favorite band, Train. But will Sarina deliver on her lofty promises, or will the ladies be left feeling like they’re on the wrong track?
With 40 fast approaching, single mom and racecar enthusiast, Brandy Flores, is ready to celebrate, and what better way than on a speedway. The only thing missing in this girl’s fast lane is her boyfriend of six years to finally sealing the deal and proposing. Brandy wants the proposal of a lifetime on her big day, but she may drive off into the sunset alone with no man in the passenger seat.
Formerly-straight single dad Carmine Sabatella dreams that his 40th party will peacefully unite the two worlds he has kept apart: his fabulous new gay friends with his straight world. Will Carmine's "Hunger Games" theme unite the two groups?
Best friends Brian Malcolm and Stephen Harbaugh plan the ultimate caper: a double-surprise party in which their wives, Abbey and Gina, each aid in planning the surprise for the other. How will their wives react once they realize they’ve been duped?
Hollywood publicist Ryan Fisher is planning a star-studded 40th to match his new life amongst the town’s A-listers. Ryan even proposes a live "conscious uncoupling" with his husband, Brian. But when Ryan changes his mind about uncoupling just as Brian walks on stage in front of family, friends, and the Hollywood elite, is there time to stop the big announcement?
Once struggling to even afford groceries, entrepreneurs Notoya Green and her husband, Fred Mwangaguhunga, are now flush with money, success, kids, and famous friends. Her lavish 40th birthday party at The Broad Street Ballroom in New York City will even include a vow renewal ceremony officiated by Reverend Al Sharpton. But will a New York traffic jam gridlock Notoya and Fred’s hopes to say "I do" for a second time?