All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Episode 1

    • April 12, 2010
    • Podcast (All Platforms)

    Here it is, the podcast you’ve been waiting for: My Brother, My Brother and Me. It’s an advice show, brought to you for FREE by three of the world’s most qualifiied experts who are also brothers. If you’d like to participate, tweet with the #MBMBAM hashtag or email us at mbmbam aat gmail dawt com. We love you.

  • S01E01 Episode 1

    • April 12, 2010
    • Podcast (All Platforms)

    Here it is, the podcast you’ve been waiting for: My Brother, My Brother and Me. It’s an advice show, brought to you for FREE by three of the world’s most qualifiied experts who are also brothers. If you’d like to participate, tweet with the #MBMBAM hashtag or email us at mbmbam aat gmail dawt com. We love you.

  • S01E02 Episode 2

    • April 19, 2010
    • Podcast (All Platforms)

    It’s Monday and that means it’s time to have literally every question you’ve ever had about life, love and laughter courtesy of the McElroy brothers. But honestly, why are you even reading this? Why don’t you just head over to our OFFICIAL Web Presence at Also, did you subscribe? You should subscribe. Suggested episode talking points: Is “totes” acceptable? Are you trying to hold my hand?

  • S01E02 Episode 2

    • April 19, 2010
    • Podcast (All Platforms)

    It’s Monday and that means it’s time to have literally every question you’ve ever had about life, love and laughter courtesy of the McElroy brothers. But honestly, why are you even reading this? Why don’t you just head over to our OFFICIAL Web Presence at Also, did you subscribe? You should subscribe. Suggested episode talking points: Is “totes” acceptable? Are you trying to hold my hand?

  • S01E03 Episode 3

    • April 26, 2010
    • Podcast (All Platforms)

    Wowza. Put the kids to bed, folks — this particular installment in the MBMBAM archives gets down and dirty with a bit of discussion pertaining to various … bedroom activities. No, we’re not talking about your toenail clipping ritual. No, we’re not talking about your nightly Craig Ferguson viewing. No, we’re not — intercourse! We’re dishing out some real talk about intercourse, and in a completely non-creepy way. For the most part. Except for that one part. You’ll know it when you hear it. Suggested talking points: Moving away from your home town. Secret movie theater back rubs. Living with real-life ladies. Making sweet love to a rollercoaster. Denim: Friend or Faux Pas?

  • S01E03 Episode 3

    • April 26, 2010
    • Podcast (All Platforms)

    Wowza. Put the kids to bed, folks — this particular installment in the MBMBAM archives gets down and dirty with a bit of discussion pertaining to various … bedroom activities. No, we’re not talking about your toenail clipping ritual. No, we’re not talking about your nightly Craig Ferguson viewing. No, we’re not — intercourse! We’re dishing out some real talk about intercourse, and in a completely non-creepy way. For the most part. Except for that one part. You’ll know it when you hear it. Suggested talking points: Moving away from your home town. Secret movie theater back rubs. Living with real-life ladies. Making sweet love to a rollercoaster. Denim: Friend or Faux Pas?

  • S01E04 Episode 4

    • May 3, 2010
    • Podcast (All Platforms)

    Would you rather have an infinite supply of delicious cheesecakes, or be blind in one of your two eyes? We’ll guide you through infinitely difficult conundrums such as these in this week’s episode of MAMBAME. We’ll also talk about blasting your core, strategic uses for lupus, and then we say the word “Jeffrey” like, 1,400 times. So, enjoy that.

  • S01E04 Episode 4

    • May 3, 2010
    • Podcast (All Platforms)

    Would you rather have an infinite supply of delicious cheesecakes, or be blind in one of your two eyes? We’ll guide you through infinitely difficult conundrums such as these in this week’s episode of MAMBAME. We’ll also talk about blasting your core, strategic uses for lupus, and then we say the word “Jeffrey” like, 1,400 times. So, enjoy that.

  • S01E05 Episode 5

    • May 4, 2010
    • Podcast (All Platforms)

    We’re halfway to double-digits, folks — that’s a major hurdle in the Podcasting realm, but we’ve cleared it with grace and style with the help of you, our beautiful listeners. As part of our “Halfway to Ten” celebration, the theme of this show is social party drinking: How to do it properly, how to not do it properly, and how to swiftly recover from its powerful effects on your internal humours. It’s an adult show, largely about an adult topic, for adults.

  • S01E05 Episode 5

    • May 4, 2010
    • Podcast (All Platforms)

    We’re halfway to double-digits, folks — that’s a major hurdle in the Podcasting realm, but we’ve cleared it with grace and style with the help of you, our beautiful listeners. As part of our “Halfway to Ten” celebration, the theme of this show is social party drinking: How to do it properly, how to not do it properly, and how to swiftly recover from its powerful effects on your internal humours. It’s an adult show, largely about an adult topic, for adults.

  • S01E06 Episode 6

    • May 17, 2010
    • Podcast (All Platforms)

    In this episode, we’re answering questions that you’re too afraid to ask, unless, of course, you were the one who asked them. These bold souls have been rewarded with answers to some of life’s most difficult, most mature dilemmas. You know, things like, “Can I make a pee in the shower?” We apologize for being eight years old. Suggested talking points: Sleepy girlfriends, complimentary puppies, Sweet Valley High, a big bottle of P, the final test of love, Cyber-Congress, CSI: Vero Beach, Sway gave me a Penis Award

  • S01E06 Episode 6

    • May 17, 2010
    • Podcast (All Platforms)

    In this episode, we’re answering questions that you’re too afraid to ask, unless, of course, you were the one who asked them. These bold souls have been rewarded with answers to some of life’s most difficult, most mature dilemmas. You know, things like, “Can I make a pee in the shower?” We apologize for being eight years old. Suggested talking points: Sleepy girlfriends, complimentary puppies, Sweet Valley High, a big bottle of P, the final test of love, Cyber-Congress, CSI: Vero Beach, Sway gave me a Penis Award

  • S01E07 Episode 7

    • May 27, 2010

    Our plate is heaping with questions on this week’s show, covering a wide variety of issues and problems. Fortunately, we’re hungry. For questions. Which we’ll dip into our economy-sized vat of Sweet Answer Dippin’ Sauce, and instantly devour. Romantic troubles? Chomp. Workplace drama? Munch. Just found out you were born a woman, but were surgically rendered a man when you were two years old? Delicious. Suggested talking points: Musical girlfriend, customer love, The Lake House, Flo-rida, Babystruck, Rebel Without a Cause, Beerbabies, D’Angelo, Deep remembrance, an MBMBAM proposal.

  • S01E07 Episode 7

    • May 27, 2010

    Our plate is heaping with questions on this week’s show, covering a wide variety of issues and problems. Fortunately, we’re hungry. For questions. Which we’ll dip into our economy-sized vat of Sweet Answer Dippin’ Sauce, and instantly devour. Romantic troubles? Chomp. Workplace drama? Munch. Just found out you were born a woman, but were surgically rendered a man when you were two years old? Delicious. Suggested talking points: Musical girlfriend, customer love, The Lake House, Flo-rida, Babystruck, Rebel Without a Cause, Beerbabies, D’Angelo, Deep remembrance, an MBMBAM proposal.

  • S01E08 Episode 8

    • June 7, 2010

    After an unprecedented and, frankly, irresponsible one-week hiatus, we’ve returned to answer the deluge of questions the MBMBAM community flooded us with during the interlude. That just means we have a much sweeter stock of queries to choose from. Seriously, guys — every single question in this episode is a matter of life or death. Especially the one about teen make-out spots. Suggested talking points: Golden Love Corral, Best Woman, Aaron (known dude), the circle of AIDS, long distance dating and shotputting, fat beers, Why Does The Sun Shine?, anger volcanoes, mama-law, friendship connections, On Kicking

  • S01E08 Episode 8

    • June 7, 2010

    After an unprecedented and, frankly, irresponsible one-week hiatus, we’ve returned to answer the deluge of questions the MBMBAM community flooded us with during the interlude. That just means we have a much sweeter stock of queries to choose from. Seriously, guys — every single question in this episode is a matter of life or death. Especially the one about teen make-out spots. Suggested talking points: Golden Love Corral, Best Woman, Aaron (known dude), the circle of AIDS, long distance dating and shotputting, fat beers, Why Does The Sun Shine?, anger volcanoes, mama-law, friendship connections, On Kicking

  • S01E09 Episode 9

    • June 14, 2010

    Though forces of nature attempted to tear us apart, the brothers McElroy managed to carve 45 minutes out of our busy week to answer your queries. Sure, it resulted in one of our more unconventional episodes, but that’s not to say it’s “bad.” Okay, the 22-minute freestyle verbal jazz segment was weird and unnecessary, but we think it works pretty well in context. Suggested talking points: Uncle David’s banjo, Mr. Stinky Booty/True Survivor, body shapes, strip joint follies, Dakota Memorial Mobile Spray Tanning Station, Swoopin’ Osama, sexy clowns

  • S01E09 Episode 9

    • June 14, 2010

    Though forces of nature attempted to tear us apart, the brothers McElroy managed to carve 45 minutes out of our busy week to answer your queries. Sure, it resulted in one of our more unconventional episodes, but that’s not to say it’s “bad.” Okay, the 22-minute freestyle verbal jazz segment was weird and unnecessary, but we think it works pretty well in context. Suggested talking points: Uncle David’s banjo, Mr. Stinky Booty/True Survivor, body shapes, strip joint follies, Dakota Memorial Mobile Spray Tanning Station, Swoopin’ Osama, sexy clowns

  • S01E10 Episode 10

    • June 21, 2010

    In this peculiar, jet-lagged episode, we discuss the Jesuses owned by each planet, how to french kiss and kicking internet porn addiction. And that’s like, the first five minutes.

  • S01E10 Episode 10

    • June 21, 2010

    In this peculiar, jet-lagged episode, we discuss the Jesuses owned by each planet, how to french kiss and kicking internet porn addiction. And that’s like, the first five minutes.

  • S01E11 Episode 11: The Lesbian Apocalypse

    • June 28, 2010

    After last week’s up-close-and-personal encounter, today’s episode is a refreshing return to form. The gang have all again sequestered in their own chambers, and are answering questions with replenished reserves of vim and vigor. In fact, some may call it our most vintage episode to date. Suggested talking points: Heavily Zydeco inspired, Chief Yogurt Tester, Motorhead or other adult themes, derapitation, bevving out, accidental pedophile, two solid minutes of Austin Powers references, uggos.

  • S01E11 Episode 11: The Lesbian Apocalypse

    • June 28, 2010

    After last week’s up-close-and-personal encounter, today’s episode is a refreshing return to form. The gang have all again sequestered in their own chambers, and are answering questions with replenished reserves of vim and vigor. In fact, some may call it our most vintage episode to date. Suggested talking points: Heavily Zydeco inspired, Chief Yogurt Tester, Motorhead or other adult themes, derapitation, bevving out, accidental pedophile, two solid minutes of Austin Powers references, uggos.

  • S01E12 Episode 12: The Last Frownbender

    • July 5, 2010

    It’s time to celebrate the fact that you didn’t blow off any fingers or hands during last night’s Independence Day festivities — why not exercise your still-present digits by clicking on the button which brings the sounds of our voices into your ear holes? It’s right there. No, to the left. Left a bit more. Now you’re playing Jezzball. Close that window. Click the X! You can do it, grandpa! Suggested talking points: Sex Chameleon, Jumping to Pedo conclusions, J.P. Garglestench, your best worst friend, nose whiskey, the boner fairy, bucket list break-up.

  • S01E12 Episode 12: The Last Frownbender

    • July 5, 2010

    It’s time to celebrate the fact that you didn’t blow off any fingers or hands during last night’s Independence Day festivities — why not exercise your still-present digits by clicking on the button which brings the sounds of our voices into your ear holes? It’s right there. No, to the left. Left a bit more. Now you’re playing Jezzball. Close that window. Click the X! You can do it, grandpa! Suggested talking points: Sex Chameleon, Jumping to Pedo conclusions, J.P. Garglestench, your best worst friend, nose whiskey, the boner fairy, bucket list break-up.

  • S01E13 Episode 13: The Life Moustache

    • July 13, 2010

    WE’RE LATE. And we’re sorry. We’ve got no excuses, except that, man, it’s been such a rough week, and our alarm didn’t go off, and Justin’s cat ate his audio file. We come to you with humble hearts, with a humble episode in our humble hands. We know you’re going to hate it, out of principle, but we’re hoping you won’t share your anger with other potential listeners. Suggested talking points: Ducky, Omens and Portents, Shoop, The LeBron Continuum, The Itchy Zone, The Sweet and Salty Foamy Spray of Life, kissing your pep-pep, robot B.O.

  • S01E13 Episode 13: The Life Moustache

    • July 13, 2010

    WE’RE LATE. And we’re sorry. We’ve got no excuses, except that, man, it’s been such a rough week, and our alarm didn’t go off, and Justin’s cat ate his audio file. We come to you with humble hearts, with a humble episode in our humble hands. We know you’re going to hate it, out of principle, but we’re hoping you won’t share your anger with other potential listeners. Suggested talking points: Ducky, Omens and Portents, Shoop, The LeBron Continuum, The Itchy Zone, The Sweet and Salty Foamy Spray of Life, kissing your pep-pep, robot B.O.

  • S01E14 Episode 14: The Secret Life of Ferguson

    • July 19, 2010

    The Boys of Summer are back with another dose of their unique brand of advice — in fact, we’re going to supply you with some free advice right here, in the very next sentence. You should pre-order one of our fine T-shirts. Here’s some more: You should leave a message on our voicemail, at 203-MBM-BAM1. Boom. You just got advised, and you haven’t even started listening to the show yet. Suggested talking points: Spiderbelly, Tiller-snoot, Google Voice Follies, Ferguson Sex Change, Couldn’t Care More, Jazz Cigarettes, Hans Solo and Chewy, Rock Lobster Diet, SHIRTS

  • S01E14 Episode 14: The Secret Life of Ferguson

    • July 19, 2010

    The Boys of Summer are back with another dose of their unique brand of advice — in fact, we’re going to supply you with some free advice right here, in the very next sentence. You should pre-order one of our fine T-shirts. Here’s some more: You should leave a message on our voicemail, at 203-MBM-BAM1. Boom. You just got advised, and you haven’t even started listening to the show yet. Suggested talking points: Spiderbelly, Tiller-snoot, Google Voice Follies, Ferguson Sex Change, Couldn’t Care More, Jazz Cigarettes, Hans Solo and Chewy, Rock Lobster Diet, SHIRTS

  • S01E15 Episode 15: The Armpit Hat

    • July 26, 2010

    We need everyone to think back about all the good we’ve done with all our advice before giving this episode a listen. Remember? All that good? Great. Because this is the episode which will be responsible for our long, slow descent into hell. Hopefully we’ve got enough positive karma in the bank to weasel our way out of eternal damnation. Suggested talking points: Begrudging respect, altercations, on porousness, XYZ, getting Carl Sagan on it, car talk, don’t get them digits, safe sex helmet

  • S01E15 Episode 15: The Armpit Hat

    • July 26, 2010

    We need everyone to think back about all the good we’ve done with all our advice before giving this episode a listen. Remember? All that good? Great. Because this is the episode which will be responsible for our long, slow descent into hell. Hopefully we’ve got enough positive karma in the bank to weasel our way out of eternal damnation. Suggested talking points: Begrudging respect, altercations, on porousness, XYZ, getting Carl Sagan on it, car talk, don’t get them digits, safe sex helmet

  • S01E16 Episode 16: Coach

    • August 2, 2010

    In the debut episode of the My Brother, My Brother and Me Fall Season 2010, our three hosts share a number of special, sentimental moments. The specialness and sentimentality of it all is just so overwhelming. Don’t be afraid to let a few tears fall from your those sweet baby blues and browns, listeners. Sometimes, a good cry is just what the doctor ordered. Also, we talk about nicknames for penises. Suggested talking points: Rap n’ Beats, sweet jeans, Highlander of Fun, virtual dumpster fire, Marshall Gaiman, nine-twelve, wormy, pigchicken rulez, g-ma

  • S01E16 Episode 16: Coach

    • August 2, 2010

    In the debut episode of the My Brother, My Brother and Me Fall Season 2010, our three hosts share a number of special, sentimental moments. The specialness and sentimentality of it all is just so overwhelming. Don’t be afraid to let a few tears fall from your those sweet baby blues and browns, listeners. Sometimes, a good cry is just what the doctor ordered. Also, we talk about nicknames for penises. Suggested talking points: Rap n’ Beats, sweet jeans, Highlander of Fun, virtual dumpster fire, Marshall Gaiman, nine-twelve, wormy, pigchicken rulez, g-ma

  • S01E17 Episode 17: Just the Stats, Fats

    • August 9, 2010

    This week’s episode is brought to you in stunning HIGH DEFINITION 360 DEGREE OMEGA-AUDIO, thanks to the acquisition of a new microphone for Travis, paid for by contributions from listeners like you. Assuming, of course, that you bought a T-Shirt or App. We feel the improved quality was the only missing ingredient keeping us from total podcast domination. Well, that and general laziness. Suggested talking points: The mane event, a touch of slavery, stalker/stalkee, embraces, algebra follies, Bs before Hs, The Biggest Loser, a PSA

  • S01E17 Episode 17: Just the Stats, Fats

    • August 9, 2010

    This week’s episode is brought to you in stunning HIGH DEFINITION 360 DEGREE OMEGA-AUDIO, thanks to the acquisition of a new microphone for Travis, paid for by contributions from listeners like you. Assuming, of course, that you bought a T-Shirt or App. We feel the improved quality was the only missing ingredient keeping us from total podcast domination. Well, that and general laziness. Suggested talking points: The mane event, a touch of slavery, stalker/stalkee, embraces, algebra follies, Bs before Hs, The Biggest Loser, a PSA

  • S01E18 Episode 18: PB&C

    • August 16, 2010

    We’re back, and arguably better than ever. Well, in the sense that we’re a week older and wiser, and now Griffin also has a good mic, and we’re telling you, Sally, August is just our month. Not too hot, not too cold. Just the right amount of dryness.Suggested talking points: A beautiful mind, a series of plateaus, hosteohorosis, dominIQUE, wedding krump, a needy crotch, pecking, a fleshy acorn, this big hollow bitch

  • S01E18 Episode 18: PB&C

    • August 16, 2010

    We’re back, and arguably better than ever. Well, in the sense that we’re a week older and wiser, and now Griffin also has a good mic, and we’re telling you, Sally, August is just our month. Not too hot, not too cold. Just the right amount of dryness.Suggested talking points: A beautiful mind, a series of plateaus, hosteohorosis, dominIQUE, wedding krump, a needy crotch, pecking, a fleshy acorn, this big hollow bitch

  • S01E19 Episode 19: Bad Seed

    • August 23, 2010

    Though some might argue that our past few episodes have suffered from a case of the doldrums, this most totally recentest episode is simply chock-full of action. Seriously. If this episode could somehow become a corporeal thing, it would become Tony Jaa, and it would knee all your questions and dilemmas right in their stupid faces. Suggested talking points: Clean Slate, Don’t Let the Joaquins Bite, Black Eyed Prom, Christmas Demands, Google Jones, Too Old For Skinny Jeans, Jimmy Hats, A Movie About a Cafe That Closes, An Answer To Every Question

  • S01E19 Episode 19: Bad Seed

    • August 23, 2010

    Though some might argue that our past few episodes have suffered from a case of the doldrums, this most totally recentest episode is simply chock-full of action. Seriously. If this episode could somehow become a corporeal thing, it would become Tony Jaa, and it would knee all your questions and dilemmas right in their stupid faces. Suggested talking points: Clean Slate, Don’t Let the Joaquins Bite, Black Eyed Prom, Christmas Demands, Google Jones, Too Old For Skinny Jeans, Jimmy Hats, A Movie About a Cafe That Closes, An Answer To Every Question

  • S01E20 Episode 20: Super Donuts

    • August 30, 2010

    On this, the twentieth anniversary of our very first collective venture into the terrifying world of podcasting, we bring to you a show that’s positively dripping with advice-juice. It’s harmless, for the most part, but we wouldn’t suggest letting it get on your clothing, or furniture, or your exposed skin. Suggested talking points: Nicknames, a sticky situation, checkerboard leg hair, Tony Toni Tone, the flannel algorithm, apple babies, Swimfan, double deuce

  • S01E20 Episode 20: Super Donuts

    • August 30, 2010

    On this, the twentieth anniversary of our very first collective venture into the terrifying world of podcasting, we bring to you a show that’s positively dripping with advice-juice. It’s harmless, for the most part, but we wouldn’t suggest letting it get on your clothing, or furniture, or your exposed skin. Suggested talking points: Nicknames, a sticky situation, checkerboard leg hair, Tony Toni Tone, the flannel algorithm, apple babies, Swimfan, double deuce

  • S01E21 Episode 21: Drunting

    • September 13, 2010

    Look, there’s one of two ways you can respond to our absence over Labor Day weekend: You can get angry, and demand an apology (which we’ll happily give) — but that’s kind of a waste of time, isn’t it? Let’s go with option two, where we run, teary-eyed, into your arms, like prodigal sons returning to their loving fathers. Suggested talking points: The cost of labor, get your poke on, dong gnats, in which we sing Wilson Phillips, gender studies, Travis’ nightmare diet, MILK, the WikiAnswers experiment, Super Donuts: A Counterpoint

  • S01E21 Episode 21: Drunting

    • September 13, 2010

    Look, there’s one of two ways you can respond to our absence over Labor Day weekend: You can get angry, and demand an apology (which we’ll happily give) — but that’s kind of a waste of time, isn’t it? Let’s go with option two, where we run, teary-eyed, into your arms, like prodigal sons returning to their loving fathers. Suggested talking points: The cost of labor, get your poke on, dong gnats, in which we sing Wilson Phillips, gender studies, Travis’ nightmare diet, MILK, the WikiAnswers experiment, Super Donuts: A Counterpoint

  • S01E22 Episode 22: Lovegoose

    • September 20, 2010

    This week’s episode is dedicated to the neverending leadership and heroism exhibited every waking moment by Mr. Matthew McConnaughey. We suggest watching at least two of Mr. McConnaughey’s motion pictures as a complimentary experience to this episode. Might we suggest Fools’ Gold and Sahara? Or, if you’re listening with a loved one, How To Lose a Guy In Ten Days and The Wedding Planner? Suggested talking points: A constant bongo beat, wassassin, the Geordi contingent, big funeral home, Lolito, beer mall, deep cuts in the boneyard, the elegant curvature

  • S01E22 Episode 22: Lovegoose

    • September 20, 2010

    This week’s episode is dedicated to the neverending leadership and heroism exhibited every waking moment by Mr. Matthew McConnaughey. We suggest watching at least two of Mr. McConnaughey’s motion pictures as a complimentary experience to this episode. Might we suggest Fools’ Gold and Sahara? Or, if you’re listening with a loved one, How To Lose a Guy In Ten Days and The Wedding Planner? Suggested talking points: A constant bongo beat, wassassin, the Geordi contingent, big funeral home, Lolito, beer mall, deep cuts in the boneyard, the elegant curvature

  • S01E23 Episode 23: Dad Stew

    • September 27, 2010

    If you’re not listening to this new episode at an official, licensed, ordained MBMBaM listening party, then we’re not sure you’re getting the full listening experience. Advice podcasts are like tandem bikes — they don’t really work unless two or more people sit on them. We don’t know what we’re saying anymore. Suggested talking points: Wolfwhistles, That full-on Sisqo heat, foreverbaby, Now That’s What I Call Music, Eye-spiders, balls and everything, guywriting, monkey stomach, maneater.

  • S01E23 Episode 23: Dad Stew

    • September 27, 2010

    If you’re not listening to this new episode at an official, licensed, ordained MBMBaM listening party, then we’re not sure you’re getting the full listening experience. Advice podcasts are like tandem bikes — they don’t really work unless two or more people sit on them. We don’t know what we’re saying anymore. Suggested talking points: Wolfwhistles, That full-on Sisqo heat, foreverbaby, Now That’s What I Call Music, Eye-spiders, balls and everything, guywriting, monkey stomach, maneater.

  • S01E24 Episode 24: Hey Hon, How’s Your Day

    • October 4, 2010

    It’s October, which we all know is the official month of advice, and also pumpkins. Unfortunately, if you’ve tuned in for a podcast about squash appreciation, you’ve come to the wrong place. That first thing, though — that’s something we can do something about. Suggested talking points: Oh My Tosh, sexy frumpy dragon, screaming infidelities, baby chain, a torso donation from Kevin Smith, street magic, Mollytalk, coming out

  • S01E24 Episode 24: Hey Hon, How’s Your Day

    • October 4, 2010

    It’s October, which we all know is the official month of advice, and also pumpkins. Unfortunately, if you’ve tuned in for a podcast about squash appreciation, you’ve come to the wrong place. That first thing, though — that’s something we can do something about. Suggested talking points: Oh My Tosh, sexy frumpy dragon, screaming infidelities, baby chain, a torso donation from Kevin Smith, street magic, Mollytalk, coming out

  • S01E25 Episode 25: Freak in the Bedroll

    • October 11, 2010

    This is a special, special episode, everyone. A very special episode indeed. Not only is it our quarter-of-a-hundred-episode celebration, it’s also our first show with the endorsement of world hero, David Hasselhoff. To celebrate, we’ve got a bunch of free advice, as well as a heartwarming outro from John Palomba. From his guitar, to our hearts, to your ears. Suggested talking points: Wizard Ani, The Hoff, prison pals, the waxening, treeem, insta-baby, mommy’s Cosmos, the fightin’ Rachel Dratches

  • S01E25 Episode 25: Freak in the Bedroll

    • October 11, 2010

    This is a special, special episode, everyone. A very special episode indeed. Not only is it our quarter-of-a-hundred-episode celebration, it’s also our first show with the endorsement of world hero, David Hasselhoff. To celebrate, we’ve got a bunch of free advice, as well as a heartwarming outro from John Palomba. From his guitar, to our hearts, to your ears. Suggested talking points: Wizard Ani, The Hoff, prison pals, the waxening, treeem, insta-baby, mommy’s Cosmos, the fightin’ Rachel Dratches

  • S01E26 Episode 26: Bases Loaded

    • October 18, 2010

    The Brothers McElroy have returned to you, dearest listeners, in sickness (Travis and Griffin) and in health (Justin). Through a daze brought along by a poorly thought-out cocktail of coffee and Dayquil, today’s episode possesses an entirely unique flavor — a flavor to savor, if you will. Suggested talking points: Jimmy Facebook, delay of baby, Dr. Money Money, deep heads, in the parker, 14 and loving it, Jesus’ battery allergy, brunner

  • S01E27 Episode 27: Immersion Therapy

    • October 25, 2010

    In this unofficial MBMBaM Halloween Spooktacular, the brothers McElroy turn up the fright meter to “AAH”-leven, answering a whole mess of eerie queries about … um, relationships and meeting people and other sad stuff. We guess it’s not all that terrifying, unless you consider the fact that we’ve done this twenty-seven times now to be a little scary. Suggested talking points: The cleanest hands, hypothetical future-to-present time travel, Jekyll and Bastard, Ja Drool, the nerd void, tapeworm baby, baggin’ it

  • S01E28 Episode 28: The Bagel Bite Tree

    • November 1, 2010

    You trying to get your month started off right? We can’t think of a better way to do so than to take the next 48 minutes and 13 seconds, and just like, chillax. It’s time to coast through the last two months of 2010 on a soothing cloud of brotherly advice. Suggested talking points: The Calm, speed rail lovemaking, cat genitalia-watching, PDA, Lil’ Sleepy Jon, pinochle, the Keith Urban series, Bret Michaels’ face, the politics of the centipede

  • S01E29 Episode 29: The Quickening

    • November 8, 2010

    Fact: 66.6 percent (repeating) of the brothers McElroy were born on this very day, 30 and 27 years ago. This very special episode is a look back on some of the biggest moments of their lives. By which we mean the biggest events of everyone’s lives who sent in questions this week, and also some strangers on Yahoo Answers. By which we mean: A regular show. Suggested talking points: Cat on Lap, Sodoko, Mancoon Buscemi, retail Highlander, world’s best lover, (emotional waves), Sexual Edge, Good Sun Setting, eureka

  • S01E30 Episode 30: Dub Step

    • November 15, 2010

    We’re celebrating 30 weeks of non-stop advising (except for those two weeks where we stopped) the only way we know how — by using our hereditary gifts of gab to help guide the world’s lost sheep back to the warm stables of wisdom. Also, we learn a little about ourselves along the way. Also, we inadvertently curse like, a lot. We don’t know why, but we’re sorry. Suggested talking points: Letters from Ho-o-ome, dead talking furniture, family ties, The Babby with the Dragon Tattoo, a new weekly segment, home movies, Jonas Pleasemoney, Patrick Stewart’s boner, fursecution, Reggae Rave

  • S01E31 Episode 31: Husky Eyes

    • November 22, 2010

    You know what? In honor of the holiday that’s coming later this week, we’re going to use this time to thank you for all the good times you’ve shared with us over the past seven or so months. You’re more than listeners — you’re family. And that means you’re invited to the Thanksgiving dinner in our hearts. (But not our houses. Don’t be weird.)Suggested talking points: Boyfriend-shaped hole, withering barbs, life begins at stubble, smoochburg, movie terrorists, whippits, teetotaling, the basin

  • S01E32 Episode 32: The Minnesota Pincher

    • November 29, 2010

    Justin was inconsiderate enough to be sick during our usual record day, so the episode’s late today. Don’t be mad at us. Be mad at Justin’s wimpy-ass white blood cells. Also, we hope you had a really fantastic Thanksgiving. Suggested talking points: Prius Promise, raw fire, three bowling date rule, penit pills, OG Water, vigilante parking justice, green packaging

  • S01E33 Episode 33: Bramblepelt

    • December 6, 2010

    As the temperature drops, your physiological need for wisdom increases exponentially. That’s a scientific fact. Warm up your cold, unenlightened bones with a hot flood of genuine ad-vice, why don’t you? It’s got the rejuvenating heat of a fresh cup of cocoa, only it won’t make your mouth feel all gommy after you drink it. Suggested talking points: Creepin’, The Even Longer Con, On the DL, Daily Penis Briefing, Have Mercy, Methspresso, A Bad Scene, Troutleap, Friendtimacy

  • S01E34 Episode 34: Make It Magic

    • December 13, 2010

    Well, you’re here, and we’re here, so we might as well just do this thing. C’mon. We’ve only got about 50 minutes to save the world through the power of heartfelt advice, and also the power of saying a bunch of stuff we don’t mean. Suggested talking points: Global snow, In Vino Veritas, Still Waters, Fight or Flight, Love Cleanse, Emily Wall Post, Biblebot, The You’re Wrong Daily

  • S01E35 Episode 35: Teach Me How to Holi-Dougie

    • December 20, 2010

    We’ve got a tight little stocking stuffer for you this week, friends. We’re talking about all your different holiday traditions, and we’re doing it while trying as hard as we possibly can not to curse. (Except for the first minute or so.) Share it with your loved ones! Thanks to Drew from Toothpaste For Dinner for the fresh intro song. And thanks to JPhonic for the bonus track for premium Appsperience users! And thanks to you, for listening, and being so generally rad. Happy holidays!

  • S01E36 Episode 36: Candlenights

    • December 27, 2010

    Between the lack of question submissions, the hurried pace and the general post-Holiday blues, we wouldn’t exactly qualify this one as our “best episode.” We’re not sure we’d qualify it as our “most adequate episode.” Is it our “worst episode ever?” That’s up to you. “Most disappointing end-of-year episode?” Oh, God yes. Suggested talking points: 95 and Not Alive, Jesus’ hat-expanding magic, A wizard of comedy named Patch Adams, metaphorical smudgy sticks, discretion, Kevin James’ reversible circumcision

Season 2011

  • S2011E01 Episode 37: Hickey on my Heart

    • January 10, 2011

    We back-ack-ack-ack-ack like a heart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack. We’re sorry that we missed last week, but hey, distance makes the heart grow fonder. You want us so bad right now, don’t you? Well, then, have us. Suggested talking points: The Gregory Hines Calendar, LUDA, Snorgy, Lovescrooge, Silent Mike/Invisible Darlene, Sleep It, National Bath Safety Month, Pyrokinandre, Tell Me How to Touch You

  • S2011E02 Episode 38: The Brain Wife

    • January 17, 2011

    It’s the McElroy Brothers’ debut on the Maximum Fun network! We think it serves as a fitting introduction, as it outs our enthusiasm for Power Rangers within, like, ninety-five seconds. Suggested talking points: A Brief Big Bad Beetleborgs Phase, The Muffet, Put a Ring Upon It, Urban Legends, On the Wings of Love, Offworlders, Pay it Inward, Corner-Cut Colonoscopy

  • S2011E03 Episode 39: Peepum’s Nastygum

    • January 24, 2011

    If the focal points of this episode were represented in stock market terms, then you might want to sell your shares in “providing any legitimate wisdom or advice,” and buy up all the “taking cheap shots at Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2” that you can get your hands on. Suggested talking points: Scoop up the Bute, A Little Bit of Zatarain’s, Three Snorks, A Musical Mystery, Together/Alone, Grandpa Names, Through the Yarn, That Hudson Heat

  • S2011E04 Episode 40: Fresh Out of Aardvarks

    • January 31, 2011

    In a weird twist, we’ve decided to spend time during this episode to actually provide our listeners with practical advice. You know, things you’ll use every day — like phone etiquette, or tips for naming your Chinchilla breeding business. Suggested talking points: The Sandiego Slip, Wizard Pizza, PCP Juice, Minus Tephen, Doing the Deed, Vine-Ripened, Chin Deep

  • S2011E05 Episode 41: Barry Fresh

    • February 7, 2011

    This week’s episode may lack the level of sophistication you’ve become accustomed to from our humble internet radio program. We suggest you remove your cumberbund and monocle before listening, lest they rocket off of your body in an act of aristocratic defiance. Suggested talking points: Boot Knockin’, Getting Polyggy With It, Scales and Fins, Goldthwait’d, Beefin’, Making Number One, The Ol’ N.C. Sweet Potato, 4N

  • S2011E06 Episode 42: Cracklin’ Mendes

    • February 14, 2011

    Hey, the internet: Will you be our Valentine? We’d be really, really great at it. We promise to shower you with gifts, by which we mean “give you this one podcast, right now, for free.” Trust us, that’s way better than a selection from Kay — precious jewelry tarnishes over time. Our wisdom does not. Suggested talking points: A visit from Vanessa Hudgens, Love DVDs, Businesstown, Hancock Goofs, Broodwife, William H. Macy in Cougarman and Gooseman, 214 It, Three Engagement Rings, Campfires and Baby Skin

  • S2011E07 Episode 43: A Horse Called Robbie

    • February 21, 2011

    In this monster of an episode, we discuss important topics that affect the lives of everyday Joes and Janes like yourself. Heck, it might also affect ordinary Toms, Dicks, Harrys, Lucys, Moniques and Reginalds, too. We don’t know. They haven’t heard it yet. Suggested talking points: Juju Magic, Elizabeth Shue’s Shoes, Occupied, Annual Compliments, Ladycats, Cheek Moustaches, Mini Marshmallow Justice, Justin Timberhorse

  • S2011E08 Episode 44: Chunk Pump

    • February 28, 2011

    We hope you love unprecedentedly long episodes of podcasts, dearest friends, because that’s exactly what you’re getting — this here episode contains a plump 81 minutes of wisdom and joy. We also hope you love supporting extra-long advice podcasts, because it’s pledge week! We could really use a hand — after all, we ain’t heavy. We’re your brothers. Suggested talking points: Sexypants, Dragon Puberty, The Laws of Love, Ezekiel’s Next Top Sister Wife, B’Doodleykitten, Paul Reubens’ Dark Secret, The Thrill of the Chase, New Englandish

  • S2011E09 Episode 45: The Loom

    • March 7, 2011

    It’s part two of our two-part, extra-super-long, unreasonably-and-needlessly-hyphenated MaxFunDrive special. Come, join us as we share all the wisdom we have left in our bodies. Just kidding! Our advice glands are as productive as ever. These bad boys are just ripe for the draining. Suggested talking points: Ol’ Bub, Slaughterhouse Saturdays,, The Crimson Tide, Pizzacrime, A Broken Hat, G’Day, Bus-Guy, A Goofus, The Permanent Wink, Sexy Proposal Time

  • S2011E10 Episode 46: Todd N’ Tony Stew

    • March 15, 2011

    On this week’s episode, we take a short victory lap for the successes and triumphs of the Maximum Fun Drive. Actually, we don’t take an actual lap, as we’re all pretty out of shape, and that would make for some pretty bad radio. Just know that when we talk about Tyra Banks as a Street Fighter, we’re doing so with victorious vim. Suggested talking points: Squatters’ rights, Love me like Jerry, George Lopez: The Chair, Eeney-Meeney, Veggiefriends,, Eyebraushes, The Power of Love, Bathtub Broth

  • S2011E11 Episode 47: Sleeve It

    • March 22, 2011

    Hey! You’re back! We’re back too, though some of us are still weary with the rigors of travel. That won’t keep us from wisdoming you, though. We are going to wisdom you like you’ve never been wisdomed before. Suggested talking points: Moon Almighty, Gravbongin’, Blades of Grass, Ponybond, Blessing Power,, Stinkhands, ID4play

  • S2011E12 Episode 48: Math Blaster

    • March 28, 2011

    After two weeks of terrifying change, we’ve managed to get the show back on its regular schedule. Though our brief tryst with Tuesday was exciting, we know that there are some folks out there who need a booster shot of wisdom to start off their working week. Well, here you go, wisdom junkie. Suggested talking points: Hot Pocketism, Citizen of Jamaica, Wake and Cake, Deed to the Boathouse, Dad’s Rig, Bongotron 3000, Math Boner, Present Fight, No Rules Just Right, Tickle Prostitute

  • S2011E13 Episode 49: More Power

    • April 4, 2011

    So, let’s get this out of the way from the get-go: It’s an odd episode. Justin’s rapping on death’s door, Travis is reading questions and Griffin is, as ever, high on peyote. We’re not saying you should skip it, but … well, let’s temper those expectations, shall we? Suggested talking points: A cameo from Tom Waits, Art Installations and Angel Tests, Straight Cos’, Danny/Joey/Ghost Alpaca, Full-Body Spanx, Khakis, Strategic Home Improvement Reserve

  • S2011E14 Episode 50: Forever a Whitford, Nary a Cooper

    • April 11, 2011

    You guys have stuck with us through one year of monkeyshines, so we’ve decided to reward you with a very, very special episode. What makes it so special, you ask? Its remarkable averageness. It took weeks of careful calculations, but we’ve managed to put together a real middle-of-the-roader, with levels of mere adequacy that you’re likely not accustomed to. Suggested talking points: A Stein of Mayonnaise, Work It Day, Doppler Dating, Roy Halladay: Known Robot, Prodigy Balls, The Workout of Independence, Boice-Over Fartist, Soul in Your Bowl, Little 54

  • S2011E15 Episode 51: Real Talk Live: Face 2 Face

    • April 20, 2011

    It’s MBMBaM’s first live show ever — and man, what a way to start our on-stage career! Not because we did a particularly good job, but because we very nearly talked about child pornography for a few minutes. We grabbed that bull right by the horns, and we stared at its eyes, and we said, “No, we probably shouldn’t talk about child pornography. That’s illegal.” Thanks to Jordan, Jesse Go for setting up such a special, intimate night, Dan Telfer for his special, intimate hosting, and every single person who came out to Second City for the show! You guys are, as ever, the cat’s ‘jamas.

  • S2011E16 Episode 52: Ruggratz

    • April 25, 2011

    We warn you: This particular episode is so chock-full of handy Easter tips, you’ll wish you could time travel back to yesterday or, rather, 364 days into the future, to a time where that kind of information would be even remotely relevant. Also, we briefly rap about Apollo Four-Forty. Suggested talking points: JC Chasez’ Hang Glider of Success, Robodope, Weddingmania, Wolf Blitzer is Made of Light, King of Computertown, Dudekisses, Sexy Egg Hunt

  • S2011E17 Episode 53: Doctor Jamilton

    • May 2, 2011

    This episode of My Brother, My Brother and Me comes to you courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue. Also, courtesy of the Millwall Football Company, people who are naked all the time and an irrational anger towards science and God. Suggested talking points: Back-up Lover, Sex and Robotics, Potluck Contest, Nakedness, Food Babies, Soccer Wedding, Jim Charm, Mister Brad, Hug Safari

  • S2011E18 Episode 54: Thorwatch 2011

    • May 9, 2011

    Hope you guys like Thor. We’re talking Thor. It’s basically all we’re about, now. Advice, and also Thor, and sometimes long-since-cancelled television crime dramas. But mostly, just the Thor, thanks. Suggested talking points: Loki Love, Willpower, Party Avoidance, PB Proboscis, Minigolf Kidnapping, Tantric Relief, C’mon and Graduate, Cold Case, Yabba-Dabba Divorced

  • S2011E19 Episode 55: Spaghettageddon

    • May 16, 2011

    We did another episode together in the same room, sitting on the same couch. We’re very sorry about the slight dip in sound quality that comes as a result, but we do not apologize for the weird, weird things we say due to our proximity. See you guys at Pasta Party 2012! Suggested talking points: Destination Wedding, Ally McBathroom, A Frame for Fame, The Gym Ruiner, French Science/British Crime, The Pussycat Discography, The Book of Robots, Sister Sister, The Shrek Ending, Violet Bonergard

  • S2011E20 Episode 56: Wet Hugs

    • May 23, 2011

    After recording in the comfort, safety and familiarity of our daddy’s house, we’ve returned once again to our respective Midwestern and Appalachian home bases. It’s sort of like that song “Take Me Home, Country Roads” only … um, in reverse. Suggested talking points: Kirk Cameron: Envoy to the Stars, GORP, Never Been Embraced, Candybeer, Crushed by a Yeti, Futureballs, Blanketarian, Where’s Falcone

  • S2011E21 Episode 57: Batman: Generations

    • May 30, 2011

    Illness, fatigue and supernatural forces attempted to derail our regular recording schedule, but you know what? Ain’t nothing gonna break-a our podcasting stride. Nobody gonna hold us down. Oh no! We’ve got to keep on advising. Suggested talking points: High Seas Tutelage, Shooty’s, Seed and Sap, Paul Blart: Dark Knight, R.V. Double-Header, Higgs-Boson, Electro-Bryan, The Stupid 92, Sit and Spin, Restarting the Fire

  • S2011E22 Episode 58: Manifest Goodburger

    • June 6, 2011

    Hey, you made it! We were getting worried. Some of the guys, they were like, “Oh, listener? They’re not gonna show.” And we were like, “No, man, you don’t know listener like we know listener. They’re good for it.” Suggested talking points: Phat Beach Con 2011, Kel’s Antics, High Art, Peterin’ Out, Normin’ Up, Twin Mayors of Birthday Town, Megatoots, Another First Kiss, Verne Troyer Awareness

  • S2011E23 Episode 59: Real Talk Live: Face 2 Face 2

    • June 13, 2011

    More real. More talk. More live. We took to the stage at the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company — which is in Cincinnati, you might have guessed — to do our second live show ever. Come, share in the yuks! Also, the animosity.

  • S2011E24 Episode 60: Discretion for Miles

    • June 20, 2011

    We’ve wished our father a Happy Father’s Day the only way we know how: By making him proud of the things we say in our audio podcast. We probably should have asked him whether discussions about Hitler’s ghost are the kind of thing that made him proud.

  • S2011E25 Episode 61: Steak’em and Tubes

    • June 27, 2011

    There are a lot of important, history-making events going on around this big, blue world of ours, and we’ll be entirely damned if we’re going to talk about any of them. No, instead we’re talking about much more topical things, like if the Matrix is real. Suggested talking points: Steaker’s Dozen, Slarshed and Dumpst’, Not Like This, Electric Neil, Love and Dentistry, The Cap’n and The Gorilla, Hip-Hop Steamboat, President Haggar

  • S2011E26 Episode 62: My Dark Twisted Pretzel Fantasy

    • July 11, 2011

    Instead of accepting and moving on from the fact that we missed last week’s show to celebrate our freedom and heritage, we’re just going to make-pretend that it’s still last week. Which we’re going to have to do every week until the end of time, we guess. We’re not big on exit strategies, here. Suggested talking points: The Zookeeper Collapse, Virginity Bandz, Malldate, Carrot Top Canary, Earth Girls are Easy and Deeply Submerged, Yu-Gi-Oh-Yeah, Stankadank, Cake Boss: The Dog

  • S2011E27 Episode 63: R.I.P.B.E.P.

    • July 18, 2011

    Do you guys remember the day the music died? We certainly do, because that day was last week, and also because we have super good memories. We’re all up on that Ginkgo Biloba tip. Suggested talking points: The Meaning of Creed, Dale Carnegie Jr., Skin Adjacent, References, E.E. Cummings Pie, Rumping, The Cat Talk, Sandwich 2.0

  • S2011E28 Episode 64: Giant Scott Bakula

    • July 25, 2011

    We took a brief breather from our tightly-regimented schedule of collecting Archie backissues and stalking Jon Favreau around the San Diego Comic-Con showfloor to break you off a slice of wisdom. Come, throw on your Spike Spiegel costume, and let’s get this party started. Suggested talking points: The Fattest Doctor Who, Chlamydia Day, He Who Shall Not Be Invited, Cooking, Space Camp, Quantum Leap 2, Creepin’

  • S2011E29 Episode 65: Lady Zoo

    • August 1, 2011

    Let’s beat that summer heat together, friends, by staying out of the sun’s angry rays, and staying in the cool comfort of our loving advice. Come on in, partner. We’ve got central air, and ice-cold Diet Pepsis. Suggested talking points: HTMLOL, Dracula’s Quiznos, Best Friend’s Girl, Sloppy Rhino, S&M Cult, Eleven Keyboards, Two Sunsets, Bustin’

  • S2011E30 Episode 66: Beaches: The Book of the Movie

    • August 8, 2011

    Unless this show ends up going on until the end of recorded time, this, our 66th episode, is likely to be our most satanic installment ever. We heard from this cool dude we met at our local incense store that if you play it backwards, you can hear all kinds of secret, totally psychedelic messages. Suggested talking points: Bad Investments, Dream Spelunking, Dorm Warden, Looking at a Picture of Tracy Chapman, Mark Twain’s Latest, Mighty Max Hash, Cool Urinal, Love Lawyers, The New Lunchbox

  • S2011E31 Episode 67: Borrowed from a Horse

    • August 15, 2011

    Look: You’re here, we’re here, let’s just get this thing done. Just a quick and dirty episode, fired straight from the hip, like guns are sometimes fired. By cowboys. Really, really hasty and inaccurate cowboys. Suggested talking points: Gorto: The Enormous Man, Jackback and Vid Kid, Fleetwood Maxx, Horse’s Heatguts, Couchsurfing, Belly Shirts, Sam Elliott’s Moustache, Cinco de Lovemaking, Spanking Party

  • S2011E32 Episode 68: Never Stop Dancing

    • August 22, 2011

    We realize that today’s going to be fairly rough on the more youthful portion of our audience, as they’ll be forced to march back to the confines of their educational prisons for nine more brutal months. We feel you, friends — and that’s why this week’s episode is geared to help you deal with your back-to-school anguish. Suggested talking points: Get Fit, Chess Team Cabal, The Dean’s Couch, Cello Man, Dumb Things Justin Did in College, Figure 8, Kiss Flower, Seven Stars, Sexual Ed, Cursing Cursive

  • S2011E33 Episode 69: Krumbelievable

    • August 29, 2011

    We’re coming to you live (see: pre-recorded) from the Pacific Northwest, talking about all the important issues that saturate the worry centers of your brain. Like, for instance, are we having a pleasant time in the Pacific Northwest? How is its temperate climate treating our sensibilities? What’s up with the Puget Sound, you guys? Suggested talking points: Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs, An Olyphant’s Faithful 100 Percent, Funnel Cloud Coitus, Skittles and Romance, Screaming Brain, Rubberbaby, The Taking Tree, 4th President, Legs and How to Use Them

  • S2011E34 Episode 70: Spit on a Dog

    • September 5, 2011

    We hope you guys share our rampant fervor for Emmy season, because it’s basically all we’re talking about on this week’s episode. Actually, we start out the episode talking about it for like two minutes, and then never return to it again, which is kind of par for the course. Suggested talking points: Nuclear Family, Lonely Dew, Recovery Sandwich, The Bounty Hunter, Expectorate, Cat in a Hat with a Hat, Ambiguous Boyfriend, A Lonely Year, Skinny Driving

  • S2011E35 Episode 71: Swaddling

    • September 12, 2011

    We come to a consensus pretty late in this week’s episode that it is, against all odds, our yuckiest hour of programming to date. We suggest listening to it in a warm bath, so’s all the yuckiness from our mouth-words washes off instantantly. Suggested talking points: Hug Your Hound, Zune of Love, BBFFE, Bonejockeys, Doctor Llama, Babypolice, Wyngz, Roommate Date, What a Love, The Road, Destineeeeeeeee, Superman

  • S2011E36 Episode 72: Propositions

    • September 19, 2011

    This week’s episode is all about fresh experiences, like Travis’ new horrible segment, or the first Pumpkin Spice Latte after a year of not drinking Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Out with the old, in with the new! (Actually, we’re keeping the old.) Suggested talking points: Pumpkin Spice Latte, Open the Briefcase, Stoneymoon, Extraordinary Accent, Sad Libs, Jerk-It Sheath, Bounce O’ Clock, Get Busy Living Together

  • S2011E37 Episode 73: Gooshing from the Johnson’s

    • September 26, 2011

    On this day 18 years ago, the world of broadcasting was changed forever by the debut of one of television’s finest programs: Boy Meets World. Today, My Brother, My Brother and Me does its part to keep the fires of Cory, Topanga and Shawn alive and roaring. Suggested talking points: Boy Meets World, Plus Zero, Greed of the Magi, Jerkin’ Abbey, Almost Perfect, Homeless Delights, Scrotoshop, Taste My Steel, SMG Smooch

  • S2011E38 Episode 74: Hey Baby

    • October 3, 2011

    Is your body prepared for the ravages of cold and flu season? Are you all stocked up on vitamins B, C, E and J? If not, you need to listen to this episode — it has all the nutrients your body craves. Suggested talking points: Contagion, Ectoplasm, Pants Music, Sexy Cops, Bruceaphobia, Tech Wizard, No Phone, 12 Angry Feet

  • S2011E39 Episode 75: Everbuddies

    • October 10, 2011

    We were on a pretty tight timetable to get this particular episode out, so it may not be the feature-length epic you’ve been hoping for. Don’t blame us, blame the terrorists. (Also, the gourds.) Suggested talking points: Party Pupa, Homeschooled, Jeans-Vault, Gundammit, Grandpa Cop, Firework, Crocoswine

  • S2011E40 Episode 76: Food Versus Man

    • October 17, 2011

    We’d like to take some time in this episode to apologize for all the straight-up erroneous garbage we’ve spouted in our previous dispatches. Of course, our apologies aren’t comprehensive — that would take the full hour — but we come as close as we can manage. Suggested talking points: Fill in the Gaga, Raspberry Fizzlespritz, Choddler Boyfriend, Genuine Bieber Fur, Toker Grace, Sad Libs Two, Manicurious, Skittlenips, Frank Lloyd Dirty Boi, Ghostly Doorknob

  • S2011E41 Episode 77: The Hole Shebang

    • October 24, 2011

    Just one short week — well, okay, one normal-sized week — stands between us and Halloween. Are you ready, dear listeners? Have you assembled your costume? Planned your event calendar? Candied your corn? Don’t worry if you’ve fallen behind; we’ve got some tips for the stragglers. Suggested talking points: Halloween Prep, Pay it Forward, Gossip Boy, Dracula: The Gun, Nailfreak, Family Ties, Prince’s Business, The Giamatti Test, Facekissbook

  • S2011E42 Episode 78: Fly Me to Heaven, Kid Vid

    • October 31, 2011

    It’s our super special Halloween Spooktacular, and you know what that means: We quickly forget that it’s Halloween, and start going off on tangents about high school boners and how cool Randy Jackson’s eyewear is. Pretty spooky, right? Suggested talking points: Dogg Pound, Hearse, Ingratia, Clownfish, The Fight Club Heist, Engorged, Cat-calling, Moving Like Jagger, The King of Dead

  • S2011E43 Episode 79: Who Guginoed?

    • November 7, 2011

    This week, the McElroy brothers are celebrating their own birthdays. All three of them. They were all born on the same day, because their parents would never do something so cruel as to leave one of them out of shared birthday festivities. Suggested talking points: Birthdaze, Trivia Stragglers, Itchy Secrets, Lump Sums, Heart’s Desire, Five Minutes of Seaman Humor, Purest Truesilver, Goof Ya to Sleep

  • S2011E44 Episode 80: For and By Dummos

    • November 14, 2011

    This week’s episode is a little late, because Griffin spent all weekend in New Orleans. On the plus side, he speaks with a cajun accent the whole time! On the minus side: It is incredibly offensive to everyone. Suggested talking points: Creepin’, Vitamin Caddy, Heartpool, Infected City, Arcade Fire of 1972, Dovahkiin, My Gushers, Yellowcard

  • S2011E45 Episode 81: Pizza Roll Suicide

    • November 21, 2011

    Happy week of Thanksgiving, everyone! In this episode, we discuss the many, many things on this Earth we’re grateful for, and offend the Pat Morita estate within the first 90 seconds or so. It’s a holiday show the whole family can enjoy, assuming they are bad people. Suggested talking points: Sweet Potato Protocol, Five Years of Lovin’, Sexy Kickball, Man vs. Sadness, Washing Off the Night, Risk/Reward, Before Twilight, Turbacon, On a Good Day

  • S2011E46 Episode 82: Fried Green Lockout

    • December 5, 2011

    We’re trying awfully hard to hitch our caboose of comedy to the engine of holiday cheer, but it’s pretty difficult to do so when the world’s events try to bring us down at every turn. Today, we mourn the falling of a political titan. Join us. Suggested talking points: Cain Train, Shorty, Aggro-Sexual Art, Bite the Rose David, Teeeeens, Instructions for Salvation, The Long Hoard, Gender-based movies, Podtraxx, MADDAFCS

  • S2011E47 Episode 83: Face 2 Face 3: Tokyo Drift

    • December 12, 2011

    We’re live in Austin for the first part of our two-show comedy extravaganza. As it turns out, everything is bigger in Texas, and boy, does that include shame. Come, listen to our ill-conceived goofs and monkeyshines.

  • S2011E48 Episode 84: Face 2 Face 4: Sippin’ on Chillerz

    • December 19, 2011

    It’s the second part of our recent live show double header in Austin, Texas. Don’t feel compelled to skip it if you already listened to the last one! It’s got entirely different questions, and also, we get significantly more tore-up on three-dollar Walgreens booze.

  • S2011E49 Episode 85: Candlenights 2011 Special

    • December 26, 2011

    It’s our second annual Candlenights special, and you know that means! Actually, you might not, since it’s only the second time we’ve done it. Oh, well, it means that we go the whole episode without dropping any profane language, so you can share it with the innocent, nubile ears of your family. Also, you shouldn’t say “nubile ears” in front of them, because that’s kind of profane. Suggested talking points: Raspberry Pillow, The Long Con, Santa Baby, Trampires, 1 P.E., Christmas Conspiracy, Forever Lazy, Mistlesmooch, Measure Your Year in Gifts, The Briefness, Unwanted Twilight, Cat Buglary

Season 2012

  • S2012E01 Episode 86: Get It

    • January 2, 2012

    It’s a new year, and a new you — and man, we really hope that the new you likes goofs about wieners, because we have them in spades. We’ve also got a little bit of warm encouragement to help you complete your resolutions, couched comfortably within even more genital humor. Suggested talking points: Twenty-Dozen, Hairstyle Secrets, Taco Coordinator, Hipster Walrus, Along Came Polly Museum, Dickbats, Bathroom Brother, Feety Pajamas, Loveboss

  • S2012E02 Episode 87: A Murder of Uncles

    • January 16, 2012

    Yes, we took an impromptu vacation last week, for which we’re eternally sorry. However, we come to you today as fully refreshed men, prepared to answer your queries and assail the internet-at-large with verbal and physical abuse. Come, beat up the internet with us. Suggested talking points: Footsmanship, Whipped, The Pebbles Voicemail, Goat Boyfriend, Twerk Squats, Mr. Paula Deen, Lettuce, Run-around, Full House Trivia, When to Hold ‘Em, Pokeality

  • S2012E03 Episode 88: The Lion, The Witch and the Boyskinz

    • January 23, 2012

    We’re standing alongside our online brethren as we fight off the oppressive chokehold of internet-ruining federal legislation! If you don’t find this week’s episode amusing, it’s because we blacked out all of the potential comedy. That’ll teach you, Congress. Suggested talking points: SOPA, Fourthmeal, Oberstian Punishment, YUUUUP, Creeped Off, Buttsongs, Cake Boss

  • S2012E04 Episode 89: Grab the Merkin

    • January 30, 2012

    We’re centering our chakras and aligning our voodoo power centers to bring you our most spiritual episode to date. Come, join us as we look not only into the problems of our dear listeners, but also, the maladies of the soul. Suggested talking points: Prisoner of Worship, Fridge, Third Wheel, Arch Duke Zach Morris, Dupree’d, Merksmanship, Bakulover

  • S2012E05 Episode 90: Dworp

    • February 6, 2012

    It’s time for us genuine sportspeople to gather around and talk about the big game that we’re legally prohibited from talking about! How did we skirt around these restrictive broadcasting regulations, you ask? Well, we spent most of our time talking about imaginary babies. Suggested talking points: Potatoes McGee, Pleasure Buddies, Potter v. Rodgers, Skilled Labor, Cracker Barrel, Baby Island, Moist, The Creek, Mini-Mini Imaginary Baby Golf

  • S2012E06 Episode 91: Feeding Frenzy

    • February 13, 2012

    We appear to have forgotten that it’s Valentine’s Week, because this particular episode doesn’t include much actionable romantic advice. If only today were a holiday celebrating sword-based home security. Suggested talking points: The Death of Zydeco, Krill Out Ya’ Gills, Handsomeness, Dirty Diamonds, Boxing Tips, Budz, Civil Swords, Panic Rooms

  • S2012E07 Episode 92: Ten Thousand Throbs

    • February 20, 2012

    Happy Presidents Day, everyone! Join us as we reflect upon the executive successes of administrations past, present and future, and also as we talk about which Presidents are the cutest. Suggested talking points: Prez Fight, Pinterest, Fly Exam, Psychic Battlefield, Lady Dupe, Scoville Units, Tv Freebase, Dig Deep No Fear, Jeopardy Angels

  • S2012E08 Episode 93: Dax is All

    • February 27, 2012

    We can’t think of an episode that’s as timely and relevant as the one you’re about to listen to. Just in time for the Oscars, we’re bringing you some truly sage-like movie talk. Sadly, that movie came out in 2004, and was the worst thing ever. Suggested talking points: P.O.D., Impossible Dave, President Lamppost, Getting Zucked, Squatching, Dickolletage, Without a Paddle

  • S2012E09 Episode 94: The Secrets of Dilbert

    • March 6, 2012

    We know that you’d never be so bold as to ask us to talk about relevant events like college basketball championships — so we went ahead and fulfilled that request for you. We know, it’s like we share a single brain! Now, we’re going to make you think about nachos. Suggested talking points: Hoop Bros, Stop Snitchin’, Tieboner, Babydoctor, Lock up Your Kids, Coal-Fired Internet, Gallagher v. Gallagher, A Recap of Brett Favre’s Career

  • S2012E10 Episode 95: Giamatti, Go!

    • March 13, 2012

    It’s a week of highs and lows for the McElroy bros, ranging from tragic revelations about Golden Corral visits to how great it would be if famous Hollywood actors were actually Pokemon. Stuff it! Suggested talking points: The Sore Tooth, Bat Pelts, Pet Celebrities, The Game of Bones, Making it Dwayne, “Put Your Soap in My Soap,” Continental Divide, OG Water

  • S2012E11 Episode 96: Ven Conmigo a Jurassic Park

    • March 19, 2012

    Ssh. Oh, man. You guys are going to have to keep it down this week. We’re feeling a little under the weather, which is to say, under the exorbitant number of St. Patrick’s Day beverages we consumed. Let’s just get through this one, okay? Suggested talking points: A Quiet Podcast With the Lights Off, Hunger Games: Abridged, Little Monsters Only, Playplace Wedding, Its’a Me Kevin, President Doritos

  • S2012E12 Episode 97: Stevurkel

    • March 26, 2012

    It’s the first part of our two-part Max Fun Drive extravaganza! Reach into them pockets, and pull out whatever’s in there, and then throw that away. We don’t want your change, folks. We want sky-high stacks of crisp American bills. Suggested talking points: Chuckle Tax, Terra Nova, The Thickness, First Impression Beans, Secret Marriage, Dungeons and Death, Dropping LBs, Step By Step

  • S2012E13 Episode 98: Two til’ Tulsa

    • April 2, 2012

    It’s our second, super long MaxFunDrive special! We’re celebrating by introducing our new Wrestlemania-themed podcast within a podcast, and by talking about which common household objects are dangerous for you to press your genitals into. Suggested talking points: Wrestlemania, Annoiding, Truckin’, Conversational Currency, Sexting, Sleep Death Pods, Skyscared, Butter Doesn’t Work

  • S2012E14 Episode 99: Plunger Practicalities

    • April 9, 2012

    Looks like we’ve made it! Look how far we’ve come, our babies. MaxFunDrive 2012 was a raging success, and it’s all because you fine folks are so, so good to us. To thank you for your efforts, today’s episode is pretty nasty. Suggested talking points: Buried Alive, OkCupid Skinsuit, Swimfanning, Family Nudity, Tower Heisting, Momnapping, Bishop the Thundarian, Bathroom Preparedness

  • S2012E15 Episode 100: Reflectionz: A Look Back

    • April 16, 2012

    It’s our hundredth episode, and it’s also our two-year anniversary. Are you prepared for the celebration? Are you in a place where you can mentally handle 112 minutes of goofing? Is your spirit prepared for all the check-ins from past advisees? We hope so, because we really can’t do this without you. Suggested talking points: Send in the Clowns, Borrible’d, Buttking, Neo-Nunnie, Juicy and Delicious, Stapler Thief, Tiesson, Dinklage Town, Tradeskills, Possession Shedding, Teeth, Behind the Scenes, Doorframe Bathtub, Jorsten Blaber

  • S2012E16 Episode 101: Sext Fiction

    • April 23, 2012

    You thought we were going to call it quits after a hundred episodes? We’ll be honest — we considered it. But we managed to overcome our extreme exhaustion to bring you another episode chock-full of tangents and straight-up gobbledigook. Suggested talking points: Holo-B.I.G., Leap Anniversary, Scorpion Improvement, Recovery Sandwich Recovery, Choose Your Own Adventure, Wingmanning, The Theme to Doug, Lady and the Tramp Killer

  • S2012E17 Episode 102: The Placenta and the Bear

    • April 30, 2012

    As you spend an hour with us this week, we ask you to reflect about all the hours you’ve spent with us, and then think about all the partying that you haven’t done yet, and then, just, wow, what are you doing? Suggested talking points: International Flair, Limitless Sunshine, Tween Dating, Cubicle Fort, Austin Powers Stroke, Tiny Stenographer, Discarded Gigapet

  • S2012E18 Episode 103: KORBEN DALLAS

    • May 7, 2012

    In a continued effort to synergize our product to its maximum potential, we’ve teamed up with The Avengers this week to bring you the super-est episode of MBMBaM yet. Just don’t forget, dear listeners: With terrible advice comes little to no responsibility. Suggested talking points: Avengers Assemble, Life Coach, Karate Court, Dog Dick Limbo, Tempura Face, Customer Creeping, Pizza n’ Dippins, Cop Tales, Chris Tucker Impressions, Spaceship Lingerie Football

  • S2012E19 Episode 104: I Hate You, Ron

    • May 14, 2012

    It was a pretty momentous week, wasn’t it? We know you’re expecting to hear our erudite evaluation of recent events, but we can’t do that for you, because we’re not erudite, nor are we “news people.” Suggested talking points: Independence Gay, Expiration Date, Raccoon Chocolate Heist, Gosling Party, Kara-okay, D for Nachos, Prom Noise, Tumblr Dog

  • S2012E20 Episode 105: Daymare Pile of Watercolor Donors

    • May 21, 2012

    Chuck! Chuck, it’s MBMBaM! Your cousin, MBMBaM? You know that new comedy advice podcast you’re looking for? Well, listen to this! Suggested talking points: Miners Part 3, Foreplexting, Jedi Bush, Askalate, Butt Problems, Geof & Ron Continued, Chubby Choker, Earl of Daveshire

  • S2012E21 Episode 106: Bicentennial Dad

    • May 28, 2012

    Keep it locked to 104.3, WRVMBMBAM, for all your classic rock summer time jam needs. We’re cranking out the hits from your favorite rock gods, like Ratt, and also Yahoo Answers. Suggested talking points: Summer Rock Block, Flirty Fortune Cookie, High-Drive, Wanted Two, Irresistible, The Three Year Gap, Cereals, Titter, Escape Plan

  • S2012E22 Episode 107: Face 2 Face 5

    • June 7, 2012

    This episode probably sports our worst audio quality to date, which we apologize for. We figured that an episode that made it sound like we were screaming at you while covered in bees would be better than no episode at all.

  • S2012E23 Episode 108: The Garfield Monstrosity

    • June 11, 2012

    What dark forces could have possibly conspired to bring you this episode of MBMBaM? Jetlag likely played an important role, but some of the content is so heinous, Chtulhu’s intervention seems like the only likely cause. Suggested talking points: Moleman Sword, Whimsical Road Trip, Japanese Dale Earnhardt’s Ghost, In the Cloud, Pam-Body/Garf-Head, Public Gaming, Rough Stuff

  • S2012E24 Episode 109: Flapjack Nickelsack

    • June 18, 2012

    In this episode, we try our darndest to humiliate our own father into submission, and have a surprisingly earnest discussion about the trials and tribulations of being as famous as we clearly are. Suggested talking points: Dad Tales, Between Dunst and Buscemi, Bow and Arrow and Guitar, Mrs. Ronkonkomaw, Sleepy Office, Epsilon Dog, Corncob Goldbars, Hoarders, Knuckle Tats

  • S2012E25 Episode 110: J.R. Junior Jr.

    • June 25, 2012

    It’s so hot in the studio, gang. So, so hot. Logic and reason tend to leave the room as waves of molten hot air move in. It’s like our ability to keep it together was displaced by degrees. Suggested talking points: Brave Fever, Bugle Bones, Wayne Knightverse, Mrazzle Dazzle, Nose Douching, Prefixin’, Vacation Tips, Yahoo Nonsense, Jaded

  • S2012E26 Episode 111: Sacrilice

    • July 9, 2012

    After a one-week forced sabbatical (thanks, derecho!), we’re back and wetter than ever, ready to dole out all manner of advice on subjects we know little to nothing about. Except for derecho survival. We’re basically experts on that, now. Suggested talking points: Derecho Apocalypse, Forever Smell, Roommate Boundaries, Godwind, Straight-Edge Shrek, Illegal Cat Movies

  • S2012E27 Episode 112: The Channing Switcheroo

    • July 16, 2012

    For this week’s episode, we suggest gathering all your loved ones in a room, and then running away from and locking that room, and then listening to the episode as far away from them as you can possibly get. Suggested talking points: Thmoreth, Tom Jones Humblebrag, Grad Rags, Costco Actor, Snorks v. Dance Crews, Magic Mike Abridged

  • S2012E28 Episode 113: Dolphin Jockey

    • July 23, 2012

    People all over the world: Join hands. Start a love train. Now, throw this episode of MBMBaM into the firey engine of that train. Let us power your train until it pulls into Good-Time Station. Suggested talking points: Willard Defense Fund, Frasier’s Nine Lives, Horses of the Sea, Hotel Tipping, Beard Arousal, All of the Words, Heroism

  • S2012E29 Episode 114: Roker Poker

    • August 6, 2012

    Things get awfully real in this week’s episode. There’s really not a plethora of questions, actually: Just a few deep, deep dives into matters of the heart that will likely touch you. Right on the heart. Suggested talking points: Olympic Orgy, Swingers, Squeaky Greg, Smell Shirt, Fault Tart, A 25-Minute Treatise on Nerd Shame

  • S2012E30 Episode 115: Womenade

    • August 13, 2012

    Hello, oldest brother Justin McElroy here. I’ve taken over posting duties from Griffin this week, but I don’t really know the things he normally writes. Does he just try to get you excited about it? Cause man, this episode … it’s got, you know, jokes. Jokes for miles. Oh man, the goof to not goof ratio, she’s just dizzying. Suggested talking points: Oh shit, what goes here? Like, the things we talked about? Umm, there was the thing about John Candy and the Jamaican Running Team, Griffin said “straight up Christmas crazy” and then we did the Womenade thing that I mentioned before and … I don’t know, it had lots of jokes.

  • S2012E31 Episode 116: Ritter Rider

    • August 21, 2012

    Griffin has returned from beautiful Germany and his once luminescent innocence has been replaced by a gnarled core of schnitzel. This week, watch as older brothers Justin and Travis attempt to delve into his psyche and wrest the last spark of humanity buried beneath the thick chitin of jet lag that surrounds his heart. Also: Fart jokes. Suggested talking points: Sticky ‘Bo, The Familiar Stranger, Sap Caps, Fur Kids, The Wiffenpoofs, Ritter Rider, Zynga’s Latest Hit, “we were very clinical about it.”

  • S2012E32 Episode 117: Romneycoladas

    • August 29, 2012

    Summer’s coming to a close, but we’re still riding high aboard the SS MBMBaM. The boat drinks are flowing, we’ve got a no-limit charge card at Extreme Restraints and the Republicans are one step closer to realizing our nation’s long-held dream of getting a rich dude elected president. These, friends, are the golden years. But can they last? Suggested talking points: If You Like Romneycoladas, Griffin literally forgets the vice president’s name for like five minutes, Slammo Jammo’d, “We’ve helped literally no one,” “Game of Thrones, I finally get it.”

  • S2012E33 Episode 118: Celebrity Dream Date

    • September 3, 2012

    Just … just don’t eat while listening to this episode. Please? Suggested talking points: God Loves Pogs, Good Good Washer Boy, Exclusive Sneak Peek: How I Met Your Mother Finale, Wall Decor, Dyspepsia, Justin’s Ghost Tours, Kafkaesque

  • S2012E34 Episode 119: Drop the Beat, Francis

    • September 10, 2012

    Which football team has the best ball-runners? Which quarterback’s arm is the hottest? Which catcher’s got the stickiest hands? Who’s got the drive, the hunger for touchdowns? Tune in for our sage-like Fantasy Footbal Tips. Suggested talking points: Final Fantasy Football, Don’t the Don’t, Bide’d, Bareback, My Last Husband, Birthday Break-Up, Dad’s Emojis

  • S2012E35 Episode 120: Shuddering Ectoplasm

    • September 17, 2012

    It is the grandest tradition of all time that, should a new Beverly Hills Chihuahua visit itself upon the world, MBMBaM shall celebrate its arrival. Come to us, brothers and sisters. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Suggested Talking Points: BHC3, Dad in Law Fight, 11:11, Jeezy in the Room, Burger Kingdom, Slowbro, Tat Prenup, 50 Shades

  • S2012E36 Episode 121: Dyump

    • September 24, 2012

    Ah, Fall. Smell the crisp autumn leaves and squash-scented candles. See the children, begrudgingly returning to school. Hear three brothers talk about the dark secrets of Juggalo Nation. Salty Chocolate, Gift of Gab, Horsebush, Da-a-a-ddy, Dude Food, Juggalo Shame

  • S2012E37 Episode 122: In Your Tarzan Boy

    • October 1, 2012

    We put our hard-nosed political reporting skills to the test in this week’s episode, as we uncover one of the biggest voter fraud conspiracies in our nation’s history. We DEMAND justice. Suggested talking points: Rock the Vote or Die, What do you Think, Water Intake, Hipster Whoopi, Baby Ducked, Extra Meatus, Watch Advice, Student Body

  • S2012E38 Episode 123: Contraband Future Dildos

    • October 8, 2012

    We suggest you take the proper precautionary measures to fend off the unseasonal chill that’s swept this country of ours. Maybe wrap yourself in a Sheetz quilt, or just let us whisper into your ears for 10 uninterrupted minutes. Suggested talking points: Gas Station Blanket, Quad City Gangbang, Sexy Dan Aykroyd, Honeyhands, Noodling the Loaf, Two on the Floor, Weed Whispers

  • S2012E39 Episode 124: This is Our Rumours

    • October 15, 2012

    Happy Max Fun Day, everyone! To celebrate today’s most-special of holidays, we’ve created our most Fleetwood Mac-est episode yet. We just know you’re gonna love it. Suggested talking points: Second Hand News, Dreams, Never Going Back Again, Don’t Stop, Go Your Own Way, Songbird, The Chain, You Make Loving Fun, I Don’t Want to Know, Oh Daddy, Gold Dust Woman

  • S2012E40 Episode 125: Tuggies

    • October 22, 2012

    We know that this particular episode may seem directionless, even more so than the typical MBMBaM experience. To that criticism, we would respond: Not all who wander are lost. Yeah? Think about that, critic guy. Suggested talking points: Penthouse to Basement, Ghost Combos, Splitting Tips, Woodcock, Flying Knife, Usher’s Advocate

  • S2012E41 Episode 126: Blast My Cache

    • October 29, 2012

    Ya’ll ready to get SPOOKED? It’s like an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark up in this piece, only way, way scarier, and way, way less Canadian. Suggested talking points: MBMBM, Ghost Realtor, EMF Reviews, The Elder Jeffert, Ghostholes, Spooky Believer, Ghost President

  • S2012E42 Episode 127: UNK

    • November 5, 2012

    You have a very, very important decision to make this week, friends: What kind of birthday presents should you get Justin and Travis? What do they deserve? What color goes best with their eyes? Suggested talking points: Kindling, Coffee Camper, Jackie’s Boner Brew, Ocean’s Fourteen, Funky Unky Dunky, OK Cupid Freaks

  • S2012E43 Episode 128: Y Tu Hermano Tambien

    • November 12, 2012

    Sex and death are the two most powerful primal forces in life, friends, so it’s time we sit down and have a frank, overdue discussion about the two. Only, not at the same time. Because, gross. Suggested talking points: Gift Registry, Today Show Slash Fic, Burnin’ Rubber, Get Busy Child, Shitty Iron Man, Food Incentive, Down The Sexual Oubliette

  • S2012E44 Episode 129: Krumping Across America

    • November 21, 2012

    Happy Franksgiving! This week, we’re sharing our thankfulness for aggressive hip-hop dance moves, drugs for horses, and having sex with Craigslist. Suggested talking points: Praying Mantis, Horse Weed, Recovery Pop-Tart, Holy Krump, Pecan Thief, Old Strength

  • S2012E45 Episode 130: Holy Terror

    • November 26, 2012

    Time to unpack your stockings and wreaths, or whatever the Candlenights equivalent of stockings and wreaths is: We officially on that Christmas Creep. Suggested talking points: Creepin’, Noseblind, Teenbaby, YOLO School, Large Marge, Lotion and Candles

  • S2012E46 Episode 131: Outliers

    • December 3, 2012

    Justin learned the power of his own shirtless form, Travis read a whole book (without help!) and Griffin got engaged. It truly is an important week for our family’s growth and well-being. Suggested talking points: The Quintuple B, M’load, Garfield Surgery, The Time Travis Almost Saw Neil Diamond, Dildos in Disguise, Shoe Slogans, Secret Butt Presses, Gift of the Magerbil

  • S2012E47 Episode 132: iJolene

    • December 10, 2012

    We’ve got one week until Candlenights, an episode known for its cleanliness and familial accessibility. You know what that means? This week, we’re exclusively talkin’ ’bout dicks. Suggested talking points: The Garden, Blastercard, Casper The Super Conservative Ghost, Life Apps, Sreven, Shower Karate, Romancing the Parents, Santa Barn Farce

  • S2012E48 Episode 133: Candlenights the IIIrd

    • December 16, 2012

    As with past installments in our annual Candlenights spectacular, we’ve managed to talk to one another for an entire hour without cursing, so it’s good to share with the fam. Well, we actually cursed a lot. But we edited that out. Suggested talking points: Holiday MagiQuest, A Collander of DVDs, The Buckiverse, Frosty the Homunculus I Made Out of Wet Sand, Book in a Sock, Two Turntables, Tim Curry’s Pokemon Treats

  • S2012E49 Episode 134: Dukes Down, Dunks Up

    • December 31, 2012

    We’re closing out this year with a thorough discussion of what Tom Hanks looks like down there, because we love you, and frankly, we think we’re spending a little too much time together. A little separation in 20-Bakers-Doz is just what the doctor ordered. Suggested talking points: Old Langs Sign, Dog Chocolate, Family Circus Dubstep Drop, Christmas Cards, Don’t Let Me Into My Slippies, Rebounders, Subway Nugs, Semmeomaway, Tom Hanks Method Bush

Season 2013

  • S2013E01 Episode 135: Twenty-Dirt

    • January 7, 2013

    We apologize for the audio in this week’s episode — not because we all sound bad, but because Justin sounds so good that it makes the other two sound like chumps. Also, we talk about Wienerville for about ten minutes, which probably also constitutes “bad audio.” Suggested talking points: Justin’s Jaundice, Green Acres, Furry Church, Po-Ta-Toes, BIKE ME, Justin’s Sidewalk of Stars, Visible Puppetry, A Glowing Piece of that Radical Rock

  • S2013E02 Episode 136: Taken Babies

    • January 14, 2013

    In what you could possibly consider to be a “Very Special Episode” of My Brother, My Brother and Me, we finally confess our irreversible addiction to nature’s funniest substance. Suggested talking points: Bill Cosby Jizz Coaching, Last Chance Hook-up, Object Permanence, Shitty Birdhouse, Shakespeare’s Ghost, Wedding Permission, Dipes, The Hard Spray

  • S2013E03 Episode 137: Tangentz

    • January 21, 2013

    Did you know that zinc can absolutely wreck you? Did you know that? Zinc will send you to the moon. You will know that by the end of this, our most chemically-altered episode to date. Buckle the hell up. Suggested talking points: Alex Jones Knife Hour, Serendipity, Zinc Tripping, Gun Love, A Visable Slug, Tykel and Myler’s Food, The Works of James Joyce, Dog Pubes

  • S2013E04 Episode 138: Under the Bottom

    • January 28, 2013

    This episode of MBMBaM’s got all the hot comedy stunts you could ever hope to see: Comedy flips, joke jumps and bad impressions so sick that you’ll puke. So maybe don’t listen to it in public. Suggested talking points: Comedy X-Games, Casual Headshots, Twerking, A Real Premium Rush, Birdtrain, Hulk Hogan Buttcrimes

  • S2013E05 Episode 139: Minority Groundhog Report

    • February 4, 2013

    Art thou brave enough to conquer the latest episode of My Brother, My Brother and Me? Dost thou possess the constitution to bear our sports references? Can you survive Justin’s truly horrific audio quality? You cannot. You have died. Suggested talking points: Puppy Bowl XFL, Co-Worker in the Iron Mask, Valentine Minefield, Homemade 24, Love in a Hopeless Place, Oh No, Undergroundhog

  • S2013E06 Episode 140: Hops for Pops

    • April 18, 2013

    After a two-week absence which we assume was as horrifying for you as it was for us, we return with an episode chock-full of pope jokes and doin’ it humor. Sometimes in the same breath. It’s good to be back. Suggested talking points: Papal Exploratory Council, High School Subtraction, Subway Spy, Suds Buds, Red Band Trailer, Giant Eagle

  • S2013E07 Episode 141: Dan the Man with the Flan Plan

    • April 25, 2013

    We made a podcast for you! Sure, it’s got some rough edges, and is made of macaroni, and is not a podcast at all but rather a piece of macaroni art. But still, a LOT of love went into it. Suggested talking points: Favorite Oscars, Squatting, iButt, Dansexual, Big City Livin’, Hot Topic Apocalypse

  • S2013E08 Episode 142: Tom Bosley Upskirts

    • March 5, 2013

    They said it couldn’t be done! Who said it? We did. Because two-thirds of us were pretty sick all week, which makes recording a podcast (or sitting upright) a harrowing task. But we love you too much to quit. It’s our biggest fault. Suggested talking points: Throwing DJ Jazzy Jeff, Netflix with John Wayne Gacy, The Rest of the Story, A quiver of dildos, the shenannies, the documentary Jack Frost

  • S2013E09 Episode 143: Daniel Day Nutchuckles

    • March 11, 2013

    It may be Daylight Savings Time, but we wouldn’t recommend skipping this particular hour of comedy. Also, we are very tired, and are going back to bed. Enjoy the show. Suggested talking points: How Was the Dick For You?, A Falcon Attack at Your Wedding, America’s Serious Home Videos, Daniel Day Nutchuckles, Get out of here Columbo, A Penis Pump that Plays Chris Gaines, You’re the man now dog, Dude, you’re getting Adele tickets.

  • S2013E10 Episode 144: Kick it Forward

    • March 18, 2013

    Coming to you live, from exactly one day ago, it’s My Brother, My Brother and Me: St. Patrick’s Day Edition! Are you wearing green? Don’t matter. This episode’s gonna pinch your sensibilities. Suggested talking points: A Fixer for the City, Justin’s Atrocious Owl Imagery, Love Act Payment, Piracy, Comin’ up Facewards, Cute Meat

  • S2013E11 Episode 145: Three’s Company High

    • March 26, 2013

    Is this episode a day late? Yes. Is it a dollar short? Absolutely not. We’d say it’s a dollar richer, since we had an extra day to ruminate on your questions, providing even more potent measures of sweet, sweet wisdom. Suggested talking points: Passover the Dutchie, Lonely Wife Swap, The Worst Fast and Furious Movie, Arby’s Reunion, Hydranting, Two Dads, Family Photos, Romantic Audiobook

  • S2013E12 Episode 146: Kenan By Way of Kel

    • April 1, 2013

    It’s our first Max Fun Drive 2013 episode! We’ve got an extra long episode for you this week, featuring a showdown between the McElroys and their longtime rival-in-advice, Dan Savage. Four podcasters enter! All four leave, the best of friends. Suggested talking points: Halo Opportunities, Schadenfreude, Fabinets, Roll-Ups, Rough Mouth Stuff, A Half-Inch of Spume, Bangarang, Straight Survivor, Cleaning Montage, Walgreens Lifer, Secret Cats

  • S2013E13 Episode 147: The Legend of Corn Cob Boy

    • March 8, 2013

    Happy Week Two of Max Fun Drive 2013! Have you donated yet? If so, we’ll provide you with a special version of this episode, edited to remove all onomatopoeic egg sounds and Jaleel White impressions. Suggested talking points: MBMBMaM 3D IMAX Re-Release, The J Files, Fast Food Bathroom, Incredible Inedible Egg, Straight Shooting, Krav McGraw, Anger Surrogate, Monstro Slash-Fic, Sonic Slash-Fic

  • S2013E14 Episode 148: The Best Part of Waking Up

    • April 18, 2013

    This week’s episode features a WORLD EXCLUSIVE debut of a track off a highly anticipated album. Please do not rip it and put it on YouTube, or Spotify, or SoundCloud, or Google Buzz. Suggested talking points: Daft Punk Gerunds, Purest Plutonium, Pass it On, McDonalds Vetting, Laundry Hog, Pants Trap, Folgers, The Streak

  • S2013E15 Episode 149: Terminatored

    • April 22, 2013

    Shhhhhhh. Yes, we did an episode this week. But, please, listen to it at a low volume. Some of us are trying to nap off an all-day drunk. Like, most of us. Two out of three of us. Suggested talking points: Coors is Cool, Company Ink, Cyble, First Dance, Mellencamp, Cat Smooches, Chun-Li

  • S2013E16 Episode 150: Wolf School

    • April 29, 2013

    Halfway to 300! Thanks for sticking by us through all the years, gang. We appreciate your unswerving listenership, even when things got kind of hairy. Speaking of which, today we’re talking about Randy Quaid sex tips. Suggested talking points: Correspondence, Total Wedding Recall, Ladysmith Black Travis, Kid Battle, The Quaid Coin, Shame Rectangle, Hankerin’, Garlic Salad, Rib Ticklers

  • S2013E17 Episode 151: Orb Is Horse

    • May 6, 2013

    Can you guys even imagine how psyched we were for the Kentucky Derby? This is a day about honoring the best that horsekind has to offer. It’s about the cream of the crop among a species that is already cream of the animal crop. Yes, please. Suggested talking points: Acid Magnate, Second Place, Pony Regrets, The Best Testicle Day, Murdermask, Wolfwhistles, DuckTales

  • S2013E18 Episode 152: Heaton Up

    • May 13, 2013

    This week, Justin announces that he’s ready to give the greatest Mother’s Day gift of all: The gift of life. He’s got a baby, in there. In that crazy womb of his. Suggested talking points: Junior Disease, Complaints, Genny Up, Patricia Chiefin, Sexual Kobayashi Maru, Rattata Frittata, Homeland, Kid Court

  • S2013E19 Episode 153: God Made a Bridge Troll

    • May 20, 2013

    Who will live? Who will die? Who will be betrayed? Whose terrible secrets will be revealed? Find out on this thrilling season finale of MBMBaM. And join us next week, for more, new MBMBaM. Suggested talking points: Sweeps, In Vino Punchitas, Bully Vibe, A Cat Called Burden, Thinner and Closer, Farm Wisdom, Beeeeeees

  • S2013E20 Episode 154: DDSM

    • May 28, 2013

    Alternate titles for this week’s episode included “Hair Pee” and “Cool Dads and Bondage.” So, yes. Set those expectations high. Suggested talking points: Stuff Crazy People Should Know, High School Swag, Dad’s All That, Tummy Punch Love, Name Change, Sub/Dom, Jelly Batman, Badaboop

  • S2013E21 Episode 155: Face 2 Face 6: MaxFunCon 2013

    • June 4, 2013

    Live, from MaxFunCon, it’s My Brother, My Brother and Me’s show-closing spectacular! Well, okay, it’s not live anymore. It was live on Sunday. Now … now it’s dead, we guess?

  • S2013E22 Episode 156: The Sound of One Hand Twerking

    • June 17, 2013

    We’re sorry for missing last week’s episode, but we think you’ll agree that the show has improved with one week’s rest. Like, this week, we talk enthusiastically about horses. When was the last time we had the energy to do that? Suggested talking points: Fat Pipes, Syncing Up, Horse Stack, Morrissey Hair, Ironic Tiesto, Whistlin’ Sarah, Papa Pockets

  • S2013E23 Episode 157: Chris Sabones

    • June 24, 2013

    We’re all about forgiveness, this week. Say some bogus stuff about your racist restaurant ideas? Name your child after a cardinal direction? Are you Dog the Bounty Hunter? Come home, prodigal children. Suggested talking points: Racist Rates, Fantasy Enabler, Average American, Fantasy Football, Butt Chugging, Cardinal Directions, Sky Burial

  • S2013E24 Episode 158: The Taco Nexus

    • July 1, 2013

    Folks, we implore you, for the good of mankind, for the sake of your children and your children’s children, for the betterment of the entire world and all its inhabitants: Just tilt the taco. Suggested talking points: Patriotic Mash-Up, Snake Guy, Basketball Hyperkinesis, Pringles Yoga, Anger Two, Squishy Winks, Sheryl Psy

  • S2013E25 Episode 159: Home Alone Castle Doctrine

    • July 8, 2013

    We always ask that you share each new episode with a friend, but maybe don’t do that for this one if your friend works for the government. Let’s just say we’ve got a very special, very … manhunted guest. Suggested talking points: Shnowden, Screening, Reverse Jodie Foster, Hair Sister, Plosives, Worst Christmas Ever, Bank Humpers, Craigyonce, Big Percy’s

  • S2013E26 Episode 160: The Ballad of Dunkleman

    • July 27, 2013

    We return, refreshed from a week of mixed drinks and dolphin kisses. This episode benefits from that refreshment, as we spend no small amount of time talking about dolphin kisses, which are probably the best kisses imaginable. Suggested talking points: Dolphin Heavenmobile, Tats, Eye Viscera Brothers, Yakov Smirnoff’s Jerk-Off Haus, Sharknado IP Theft, Wallet Chain, 5’10” Hops, Vices

  • S2013E27 Episode 161: Bro’s Better, Bro’s Best: Ch. 1 – 13

    • July 29, 2013

    Our erratic summer schedules made recording impossible this week, but don’t fret: We’ve compiled our favorite bits from the earliest episodes into a one-hour nugget for you to listen to instead. Come, relive the origins of dad-lips-kissing. Take a trip back to the days of the ABBA intro. Remember the headset microphone recording quality, and then try to remember why you started listening to this show in the first place.

  • S2013E28 Episode 162: Mystery at the Petting Zoo

    • August 5, 2013

    We’re rarely correct about most things on this podcast, but we’re not sure there’s ever been a single episode packed with so many un-truths as the one you’re about to listen to. We apologize to all Gluten-sensitive humans and leprosy-infused reindeer in advance. Suggested talking points: The New Doctor, Cialis Sisters, Jamba Jovi, Catching Up, Holofoil Blues, High School 2, Dillon the Bathroom Monster

  • S2013E29 Episode 163: The Smoochatorium

    • August 12, 2013

    To those of you about to re-enter your educational institutions for another nine months of grueling brain-work: We salute you. We also provide you with a new episode of our podcast, to help get you through those long, sweaty study sessions. Suggested talking points: Nasty Family Feud, Scoping It, Kissing Experiments, Fur Necessities, Stealing Sunsets, Sajak Attack, Don’t Start Susan

  • S2013E30 Episode 164: Gaperboy

    • August 19, 2013

    On this week’s MBMBaM, Travis incepts a new mammal and we provide some unsolicited dancing tips. Also, we’ve been drinking, which we never do, but we did it this time, so you get to take that journey with us. Oh! Special guest question! Suggested talking points: A basement teddy bear that tries to kill you, Lil’ Judge Lance Ito, wedding proposal must see like share subscribe with friends, Jeremy the Jackal, David Bowie’s butthole, an EMP for boners.

  • S2013E31 Episode 165: Johnny Billyseed

    • July 27, 2013

    Now that all three of us are on North American soil – the sweetest, most fertile soil there is! – we’re back (a tad late) to share all the wisdom of our travels. There … there isn’t much. Suggested talking points: Turbotwerk, Dangerface, Larry’s Fiesta Party on the House, Suits, Cigars, Making Fun, We’ve All Been Pregnant For Years, A Great American Legend

  • S2013E32 Episode 166: Boys in the House

    • September 3, 2013

    Fair warning: This week’s episode contains more esoteric references than usual, so we’d recommend Wikipediaing the following subjects before wading in: A Boy and His Blob, Metal Gear, Rick Moranis’ Poutine Addiction. (Also, apologies for the audio quality. Travis had to record during a tech rehearsal, meaning he literally is inside a Shop-Vac for the duration of the episode.) Suggested talking points: Podcasting Union, Parakeet Wizards, Ladder vs. Food, Frankenberry Genitals, Freshest Moment In History, Most Dangerous Shower Game, Super Smash Wedding

  • S2013E33 Episode 167: Monday Morning Duffy

    • September 9, 2013

    This week’s episode is a return to form for MBMBaM, as we explore in-depth the exploits of our favorite TGIF actors, and then talk about Pokemon for 15 straight minutes. (Pokemon is the new Horses/Ghosts.) Suggested talking points: Terrible Things, Imaginary Volleyball, The Cape, Jackson Galaxy, Disciplinary Pizza, Duffycast

  • S2013E34 Episode 168: I Say Wopato

    • September 16, 2013

    We’ve got the biggest product announcement of the week for a product that is a phone but is also a tiny dead human. Also, we find a new former celebrity to inexplicably assault because we are broken inside. Suggested Talking Points: The Legend of Baggy Pants, GuyPhone Stephen, Things We Fucked Up Through History, Don’t Ever Touch The Butt, The Mask of Sean Paul

  • S2013E35 Episode 169: Mr. Sweats

    • September 23, 2013

    Gather round, young ones, as we regale you with our prophesies of the coming equinox. Open wide your gullets, younglings. Yummy down on this Pumpkin Spiced Latte. Sate yourself on this Fruit Brute. Suggested talking points: Lost Boy Milk, Parlor Games, Pet Daters, No Scrubs, Sword Myths, Unmoistable, Totally Sweet Hospice Cats, Bob Thompson, Unpaid Overtime Ballers

  • S2013E36 Episode 170: Land Before Time But After Pizza

    • September 30, 2013

    Our celebration for the arrival of our Earth’s crispest, most autumnal season continues. Grab a pumpkin, a pile of leaves and a pint of cider, and join us as — Oh, man, that cider’s just full of leaves, now. Go ahead and toss that out. Suggested talking points: Lil’ Breaking Bad, Cat School, Rice-a-Grody, Costumery, Little Caesar’s Prep, City Similarities, Centaur Myths

  • S2013E37 Episode 171: The Sweetin Furnace

    • October 10, 2013

    Can we just think of Episode 171 as non-canonical? Maybe like, a part of the extended Brotherverse? Between Justin’s Tandy 12 and Travis recording inside of an enormous actor’s mouth, things are rough, tumble and raw. Suggested talking points: Throwback Quality, Future Spoilers, Baby Hair, JGL Casing, Baby Jelly Hands, Authentic Fieri Pubes, Pretty, Chameleon Nips, Ma and Pa McDonald’s

  • S2013E38 Episode 172: Juggalo Church Camp

    • October 14, 2013

    Everything is pretty terrible at the moment. We’re not gonna sugarcoat it — it’s rough stuff. Come, friends, come and survive the looming end of days in this, our goof bunker. Suggested talking points: Downtown Confluence, Ham Denial, Off-Brand Rap, Internal Parents, Spooky Macklemore, Love Triangle, The Dark Carnival

  • S2013E39 Episode 173: Bro’s Better, Bro’s Best: Ch. 16 – 30

    • October 28, 2013

    In the second part of our “Travis is on his honeymoon so we’re improvising” special, Justin and Griffin recount some of their favorite MBMBaM memories from the early days. Suggested talking points: Freak in the bedroll, dad stew, Fergimorphs, the flannel algorithm, pores, going fetal, the Rock Lobster diet, crotch attention, fleshy acorn, Wilson Phillips

  • S2013E40 Episode 174: Starbucks Castle Doctrine

    • November 4, 2013

    We’re back! All three of us are back! We had a rough patch there, but don’t worry — your podcast flow isn’t gonna be interrupted by any pesky wedding rituals for like, three weeks or so. Suggested talking points: Eatotron, The Ron Paul Extranet, Shoplifting, Tick Tock Barber Shop, Guy Fieri’s Rat Fans, Herald Lover, Stealing Channing Tatum

  • S2013E41 Episode 175: Torsey

    • November 11, 2013

    Happy birthday to all three brothers, because all three of them definitely have the same birthday, because really, what kind of parent would give two of their kids the same birthday and then leave the third one out in the cold? CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE PARENTS THAT CRUEL? Suggested talking points: Birthdaze, Martins and Sheens, Curse Squad, Online Publishing, Shoplifting Update, Horse Fuzzy, Candy Crime, Subway Hacks

  • S2013E42 Episode 176: Wizard Beard Decade

    • November 18, 2013

    HOW DID WE GO A WEEK WITHOUT KICKING OFF THORWATCH 2013? Of all the times we have failed you — and boy, have there been many of those times — this is arguably our worst slip-up to date. Suggested Talking Points: Thorwatch 2013, Attorney Beards, Maid in Manhattan, Local Shark Tank, Ted Christiandad, Subway Hacks, Grindr Diaries

  • S2013E43 Episode 177: Juicy Crust

    • November 26, 2013

    Happy Thanksgiving everybody! We hope you remembered that Thanksgiving is this week, because we most certainly did not. Suggested talking points: London Vinegar, iPhone 63, Fleshy Mannequins, Purse Mystery, Subway Hacks, Double Ghosts, Undercover Fat Boss, Badminton Lethality

  • S2013E44 Episode 178: Freedom to Burger Out

    • December 2, 2013

    We know we’re a bit late in telling you this, but the McElroy brothers are here for all your turkey-cooking advice needs. Step one: Visualize the turkey. See it in your mind’s eye. Taste it with your mind-mouth. Suggested talking points: Homeland Turkey, PlayStation Buttslammer, Hair-o, Drive-Thru Limits, Mayoral Powers, Cool Guy Voice, Urinal Mysteries

  • S2013E45 Episode 179: Tuesdays with Luncho

    • December 15, 2013

    Can you feel it? Can you fee-ee-eeeeel it? The warmth? The kindness? The magic of Candlenights has begun its wondrous machinations. Suggested talking points: Countdown, Mobile Birthday, Warped Tour, Two Travises for Christmas, Lopez Theft, The JNCO Collapse, Yahoo Answers Appreciation

  • S2013E46 Episode 180: Candlenights IV

    • December 24, 2013

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year as the McElroys bring you their annual pan-faith, no cursing holiday spectacular. Share it with someone you love, share it with someone you want to unnerve, just share it. After all, it’s Candlenights.

  • S2013E47 Episode 181: Boycar

    • December 30, 2013

    We sure hope you’ve been diligent in your dirt-digging, because 2013 is hours away from being behind us. Don’t be scared — we’re here to guide you through the new year with a new, highly brand-able slogan. Suggested talking points: Professionalism, Walk-thru, Second Day Darrell, Little Sister, Sky Bevs, 2014, The Check List