Наталья Трофимова и Владимир Бушуев из Уфы прожили вместе 18 лет. После смерти любимого мужа Наталья с удивлением узнала, что стала бомжом с пропиской. Оказалось, что Владимир завещал свою однокомнатную квартиру не жене, а соседям. Новые владельцы выставили Наталью за порог. Пожилая женщина вынуждена жить в подъезде собственного дома. Она уверена, что завещание мужа было подделано. Но наследники утверждают, что Владимир намеренно лишил жену-алкоголичку жилплощади.
В студии программы «Мужское / Женское» пытаются разобраться в «квартирном вопросе» пенсионерки из Уфы.
Natalia Trofimova and Vladimir Bushuev from Ufa lived together for 18 years. After the death of her beloved husband, Natalia was surprised to learn that she had become a homeless man with a residence permit. It turned out that Vladimir bequeathed his one-room apartment not to his wife, but to his neighbors. The new owners put Natalya on the doorstep. An elderly woman is forced to live in the entrance of her own house. She is sure that her husband's will was forged. But the heirs claim that Vladimir deliberately deprived his alcoholic wife of her living space.
In the studio program "Men / Women" trying to understand the "housing issue" pensioners from Ufa.
Natalia Trofimova and Vladimir Bushuev from Ufa lived together for 18 years. After the death of her beloved husband, Natalia was surprised to learn that she had become a homeless man with a residence permit. It turned out that Vladimir bequeathed his one-room apartment not to his wife, but to his neighbors. The new owners put Natalya on the doorstep. An elderly woman is forced to live in the entrance of her own house. She is sure that her husband's will was forged. But the heirs claim that Vladimir deliberately deprived his alcoholic wife of her living space.
In the studio program "Men / Women" trying to understand the "housing issue" pensioners from Ufa.