Samurai Kiichi Hogan stumbles upon an elaborate contraband scheme that involves Spanish merchants, a band of ronin and the local police magistrate while trying to solve the mysterious murder of the father of a little boy he has taken under his wing. His path once again crosses with mysterious bandit Manji.
An entire village is held hostage by brigands who have taken over the water supply during a terrible drought. Led by a beautiful woman, these vicious killers can only be stopped by one man, the 'Silent Samurai' Kiichi Hogan.
Kiichi Hogan's past catches up with him as he has a bittersweet reunion with O-Kiku, his former fiancée. Her brother leads a merciless group of cutthroats who are terrorizing a village, and murdering women and children. This is the episode in which Wakayama as director almost lost his life when doing a dangerous stunt, the signals to rescue him went unheeded.