All Seasons

Season 1

Season 2

  • S02E01 Wildlife Treasures

    See the world's most exotic and extraordinary creatures in their antural habitats. The Ranthambore National Park in India is the palce to observe the magnificent Royal Bengal tiger. Next, it's on to the Galapgos Islands to explore its unique wildlife, and then the Corcovado National Park in Costa Rica for a tour of a lowland rainforsts's fascinating flora and fauna. Observe efforts to protect the Giant Panda at the Wolong Natura Reserve in China, and discover the staggering diversity of the marine creatures that inhabit Austali's Great barrier Reef. Your once-in-a-life-time excursion to the world' Must SeePlaces concludes at Serengeti National Park and the MAsai Mara National Reserve where you'll witness one of nature's most awesome spectacles, the annual migration of over a million wildbeest.

Season 3

  • S03E01 Africa and Asia

    Africa's wildbeest migration, Kenya's wild savannah, and Victoria Falls' tumbling waters, a steam train ride up India's Nilgiris Mountains, a close encounter with the rare Bengal tiger in the hot deserts of Rajasthan, the Buddhist festival at Gasa Dzong deep in the Himalyas, Chin'sGreat Wall and Beijing.

  • S03E02 Europe and the MIddle East

    New Year's Eve in Paris, Lapland's stunning Northern Lights, Carnival in Venice, Egypt's awe-inspiring tombs, Easter morning in Jerusalem, The Lost City of Petra's archaeological splendors.

  • S03E03 Australia to the Americas

    The great Barrier Reef in Australia, Hawaii's volcanoes, the Grand Canyon by mule and the Colorado River by white water raft, the savage and untamed Andes, New England's autumn display, Christmas in New York.

Season 4

  • S04E01 Treasures of the Coast

    The Great Barrier Reef's colorful coral, Daintree's mist-shrouded mountains and crystal creeks, Lord Howe Island's rich wildlife, Shark Bay, where searing desert meets the aquamarine Indian Ocean.

  • S04E02 Riches of Deserts and Wetlands

    Kings Canyon's oasis of rare plants, the majestic Flinders Ranges, magical Lake Eyre's thousands of water birds, ancient Kakdu's thundering waterfalls and aboriginal rock art.

  • S04E03 Marvels of the Mountains

    The Australia Alp's stunning snow covered peaks and wooded valleys, the Blue Mountains' vast wilderness, Tasmania's awe-inspiring jagged peaks and glacial lakes, Lamingtons's primeval rainforest.

Season 5

Season 7