Since the prince has returned and is soon to be crowned, Falis plans to leave the next day. Alita says she'll be lonely, but she's told Falis will return when she finds a way to swap bodies again. Later in the evening, Falis is called by the mysterious hooded woman and led into a secret chamber in the castle. They fight and Alita and the others come down to help her, but they run into the two androids and the professor. Suddenly the professor is stabbed by the black armored knight, and the two androids are also defeated. Falis is badly beaten by the knight, who reveals himself to be Kaito in front of all the guests. He claims that Falis is a false princess and that the others are rebels. The four of them are forced to flee the kingdom and Kaito is crowned as king.
Como el príncipe ha regresado y pronto será coronado, Falis planea irse al día siguiente. Alita dice que se sentirá sola, pero le dijo que Falis volverá cuando encuentre una forma de intercambiar cuerpos nuevamente. Más tarde en la noche, Falis es llamada por la misteriosa mujer encapuchada y llevada a una cámara secreta en el castillo. Luchan y Alita y los demás bajan para ayudarla, pero se topan con los dos androides y el profesor.