When a North Carolina teenager becomes convinced that someone wants him dead, his friends help him lay low at an abandoned property, then the teenager winds up dead, turning all of his friends into suspects.
In Hollywood, Fla., the body of a young man is found at the edge of the Everglades, and homicide investigators must wade into a sordid case of bullying, revenge and secret relationships.
In Las Vegas, five teenagers work out constantly to optimize their strength training, then the crew's strongest member is found dead and buried in the desert, turning his best friends into murder suspects.
A fun-loving 25-year-old man is gunned down on the railroad tracks in Manor, Pa., turning his best friends into murder suspects.
After the body of a teenage boy is discovered on a lonely trail in Philadelphia, investigators interview the victim's friends, uncovering a tale of jealously and resentment as well as an unlikely murder mastermind.
Teens in Bellevue, Neb., experiment with "partner swapping"—and it's not long until one of them winds up dead in a drainage ditch.
A teenager is found slain in a park in Bellevue, Wash., and those closest to the victim lead investigators down a rabbit hole; investigators uncover a conspiracy that brings to light more than one possible victim.
The battered corpse of a young woman turns up on the outskirts of Fallbrook, Calif., plunging detectives into a secret world of manipulation, dominance and sadomasochism.
The body of a 19-year- old man turns up in Spearfish, South Dakota and police launch a nationwide search for suspects. When an informant comes forward with clues, detectives realize the murder may be part of a sexual domination plot.
In Parker Florida, a teenager is found dead days after reconnecting with his birth mother. The teen's mysterious girlfriend leads investigators into a world of occultism and revenge that exposes the secret lives of the victim's friends.
When firefighters extinguish a California brush fire, they ignite a murder investigation rife with reports of forced prostitution, burning jealousy and an unlikely criminal mastermind.
In Richmond, Va., a love triangle tears apart a group of gay girlfriends and leads to murder; investigating this senseless and sadistic killing, detectives uncover a plot fueled by lies, gossip and a thirst for revenge.
In Johnstown, N.Y., a young man's disrespectful behavior has his friends seeing red; the group plots to teach him a lesson, but things go horribly wrong, kicking off a murder mystery more intricate than a jigsaw puzzle.
In Northern California, an anonymous tip leads detectives to a decaying corpse, buried at a mountain campsite; as police investigate their victim's past, they unveil a boisterous life of love, jealousy and one truly shocking secret.
After a young man is found slain in a cemetery, there are whispers his death was part of a ritual sacrifice, but detectives aren't prepared for the black magic, satanic rituals and psychic visions at the heart of this truly twisted murder.
When a small town girl is stabbed to death while housesitting, detectives must work to separate twisted fantasies from fact in a case that blurs the line between horror movie and real life murder.
In Colorado, police check in on a married couple and discover a grisly double murder; worse, the couple's teenage grandson is nowhere to be found; investigators uncover a much more sinister plot than a robbery gone wrong.
After moving in with her boyfriend, a woman finds herself in competition for his affections; soon, jealousy, deception and a cult-like faith lead to an Old Testament-tinged murder mystery.
After a woman's body is found burned in a luxury car, detectives must navigate the darkest corners of the competitive fitness industry, shining a spotlight on a secret world of big muscles, bigger egos and illicit love affairs.
A pair of hikers discover a woman's body, leading some to suspect the victim's camping buddies of murder; digging deeper, detectives unearth a tale of rage-filled jealousy, unrequited love and a deadly predator.