Nok Du is curious about who Dong Joo likes. He asks her who it is, but she never tells him. Nok Du decides to tell Dong Joo his feelings for her, but Dong Joo tries to keep her distance from Nok Du. Meanwhile, when Aeng Du is with Yul Mu, she lets out Nok Du's secret before she realizes it.
녹두와 동주는 우여곡절 끝에 앵두와 함께 살게 된다. 녹두는 율무를 만나, 동주를 좋아하는 이유에 대해 단도직입적으로 물어보는데..
Nok-du réalise que le visage du roi ne lui est pas inconnu. Heo Yun prévient le roi que la révolte gronde.