Amanda und Mr. Hepplewhite fangen damit an, die Ausstellung im Ägyptischen Museum aufzulösen und die Exponate in einem Lastwagen zu verstauen. Die Mumien müssen unbedingt an das Skorpion-Amulett von Arakh herankommen, damit sie ihn wieder durch das Westliche Tor in die Alte Zeit zurückschicken können. Ja-Kal macht sich vor allem Sorgen um seinen Neffen Kimas, von dem er nicht weiß, auf wessen Seite er steht. Arakh stellt bekümmert fest, dass er sein Amulett verloren hat. Es kann sich nur in dem Lastwagen mit den Ausstellungsstücken befinden… (Text: Super RTL)
Ja-Kal contemplates about Kimas, about his own son, and about his duty. Rath realizes that if they destroy Arakh's scorpion charm, then Arakh's scorpion suit will be sent back through the Western Gate forever, taking Arakh with it. But Arakh had lost the scorpion charm at the museum exhibit, and the exhibit was being taken away in a truck. The Mummies catch up to the truck just as Scarab in his helicopter also reaches it. The helicopter takes the exhibit crashing back to Scarab's lair due to Heka's inexpert flying. Arakh finds his charm. The Mummies meet with Kimas at Beefy Burger. Kimas leads Ja-Kal into a trap at Fort Point, but finds out that his own father was the one lying. Kimas defends Ja-Kal from Arakh and destroys the charm sending himself and Arakh back through the Western Gate.
Seth e Anubis liberano il potere arcano dell'Occhio dell'Oscurità, uno spirito racchiuso in uno specchio, che ogni 3500 anni grazie ad una particolare congiunzione dei pianeti, cerca l'anima di un faraone per poi racchiuderla nello specchio e liberarsi! Preslay, che racchiude in sè l'anima del Principe Rapses, viene scelto dal potere dell'Occhio, e le Mummie devono assolutamente salvare il loro protetto: per il faraone che sarà imprigionato nello specchio, infatti, l'unico modo per riuscire a fuggire è aspettare altri 3500 anni.