Presley und die Mumien machen einen Ausflug auf die Gefängnisinsel Alcatraz. Bei einer Führung verlieren sie den Anschluss an ihre Gruppe, weil Armon plötzlich Hunger hat und den alten Kühlschrank durchstöbert. Scarab hat unterdessen dafür gesorgt, dass seine Shabties die Wegweiser vertauschen und die Mumien den Ausgang nicht mehr finden. (Text: Super RTL)
Presley and the Mummies go on a tour of Alcatraz. Armon takes a side trip to the dining hall and the Mummies and Presley lose the group. Scarab uses Shabti to make the tour guide believe everyone is back on the tour boat, and the boat leaves. Ja-Kal becomes separated from the others and Scarab locks him in a prison cell. Scarab brings forth the prison spirits to go after Rapses for him. Escaping the spirits, the other Mummies see Ja-Kal in the cell and bust him out. A giant firebird - the evil spirit of the island then goes after them.
Chantra si allea con Scarab per impadronirsi dell'anima del principe Rapses ed ottenere in cambio anche lei l'eterna giovinezza! Per attirare Preslay in trappola, Chantra si trasforma in una bellissima ragazza al cui fascino il ragazzino non saprà resistere.