Jin Wook finds out about his parents’ divorce and becomes furious about their lies. He yells at his mom and insists that he wants to stay with his dad in Eun Hee’s house. However, he soon realizes that Eun Hee has been only pretending to be nice and that he has hurt his mom by saying terrible things.
정희는 나미가 살아있다는 소식에 큰 충격을 받고, 봉구는 은희에게 비밀리에 만나자고 연락을 한다.
한편, 재복은 집에서 자신의 물건을 치워버린 은희와 크게 싸우고, 이에 당황한 은희는 정희에게 결혼을 서두르자고 말하는데...