TALKING HEAD ILLUSIONS: Jackie walks into the room and is greeted by Christian whose head appears to be on a platter. MOSQUITO ON SKIN: Do mosquitoes prefer to bite some people over others? WATER INTO UPSIDE DOWN GLASS: Darren fills a kitchen syringe with water from an aquarium. OSCILLOSCOPE - RADIO WAVES: Mr. Wizard shows Leila an oscilloscope. She defines oscillate: to move back and forth and scope. CUBES - OPEN UP QUIZ: Mr. Wizard shows Laurie several forms that she has to determine if they will fold up into cubes. COOKIES: The physical and chemical changes that occur when cookies are heated are discussed. DOWEL THROUGH BLOCK: Mr. Wizard and Christian discuss the role of inertia with the ways to put a new head on a hammer. BLACK BEARS OF MAINE: A black bear cub found abandoned and reported to the Inland Fisheries Wildlife Department of the State of Maine. METAL DETECTOR: Mr. Wizard explains to Darren that the battery in a metal detector can be adjusted to balance two coils.