One day at Mr. Meaty, Parker tells Josh that a man named Lucas E. Romero is having a horror movie competition. Josh and Parker try to make a "" ninja zombies" movie. At home, they try and think of an idea for their movie. They realize that they can just improvise instead. So they put up a sign that reads "Ninja zombies bikini babe robot war etc....auditions today". They say that they're gonna find some girls in the mall to play the "bikini babes". They call many people to audition for the movie like Gord and Mr. Carney. Josh (who is controlling the camera) and Parker then go to a graveyard. They go to the deceased horror film actor, Karlon Bugosi's grave. Parker starts digging the ground and sees the coffin. Goth Girl (whom josh and Parker brought along with them) then reads an ancient chant to bring Bugosi back from the dead (that she found on a website called It actually worked. When Parker asks Mr. Bugosi if he would be in their movie, he goes berserk and tries to eat Goth Girl's brain. Josh and Parker manage to save Goth Girl and tie Mr. Bugosi to a tree. Parker kept begging him to be in their "Ninja zombies " movie. The zombie actor refuses and says that he only eats brains. Josh the tells Mr. Bugosi that if he acts in their movie, they'll serve him an all-you-can-eat buffet of brains. After their movie was over, Mr. Romero reacts to it as an "awesomely terrible" film, but wasn't that bad, as his first movies were bad as well.