After creating the universe, Mr. Deity and Larry decide what evil they'll allow.
Mr. Deity seeks help to save mankind while Larry oversees construction efforts.
Mr. Deity and Larry have trouble with the lighting on their new world.
Mr. Deity explains prayer to Jesus while Larry gathers info on the evening's activities.
Larry unforgivably forwards a call from Lucifer to Mr. Deity's personal phone. All hell breaks loose.
Mr. Deity holds a press conference on the eve of the Superbowl in order to clear things up.
Lucy takes Mr. Deity on a tour of Hell.
Jess, Larry, and Mr. Deity struggle to come up with a Top Ten list.
Mr. Deity is outraged by a billboard which presumes his authorship of a certain book.
Mr. Deity and Lucy work through a problem while Larry copes with the on-again/off-again nature of their relationship.
Mr. Deity, Lucy, and George W. Bush discuss the finer points on the War On Terror.
Mr. Deity and Larry discuss the meaning and purpose of life.
A harmless prank phone call to Jesus gets Mr. Deity into a huge PR mess.
Jesus has a few script notes for Mr. Deity.
The group goes out for a heavenly night on the town.
Mr. Deity and Lucy play a little game with Cain and Abel.
Mr. Deity gets rid of Limbo, the First Circle of Hell...not the game, and Lucy gets pissed.
Mr. Deity and Larry discuss the finer points of religious fundamentalism and idealism.
Gender roles determined by Mr. Deity and Lucy.
Mr. Deity experiences difficulty relaying his vision.
Larry is stunned by Mr. Deity's callous response to a grave crisis.
Mr. Deity is outraged with the ideologies associated with him by the Christians in the Bible. He and Larry conceive various ways to punish them.
Lucy explains to Mr. Deity the difference between magic and magic tricks. They then argue over the virtue of knowledge.
Jesus wants Mr. Deity to pare down the four scripts into one coherent narrative that he can act.
Lucy finds out what Mr. Deity is giving his chosen people.
Larry tries to get Mr. Deity to do something about the upcoming attack on New York City.
Skeptic Michael Shermer pleads his case before Jesus and Mr. Deity.
Mr. Deity and Larry prepare Adam for an wife.
Mr. Deity is told by his science advisor PZ Myers that his design for the humans leaves something to be desired.
Mr. Deity has to deal with an angry Death, whose day goes from bad to worse.
Mr. Deity and Larry wake the Created Eve for her first look at the Garden.
Attempting to show Larry his new "Speed Dial" app, Mr. Deity gets a wrong number.
Mr. Deity thinks he's finally proved the existence of other magical beings.
The head of R&D explains the limitations of the human brain to Mr. Deity and Lucy.
Mr. Deity is questioned by Larry about his plans for the Promised Land.
Mr. Deity needs to find time to create time.
Mr Deity and Larry in conversation with the head of John the Baptist.
Jesus is eaten alive.
Mr. Deity frantically throws together his own version of science in an attempt to save his job.
Jesus gets upset when he realizes that there's no reason for his sacrifice.
In the beginning
Mr Deity meets Larry for the first time
After exiting the void, Mr. Deity submits to a psychological examination
Larry informs Mr. Deity that his application has been denied
Mr. Deity has a clandestine meeting with a mysterious figure just outside the Omniverse
Mr. Deity looks for someone to play the role of Savior in his new universe
Mr. Deity and Larry discuss the variable parameters of Free Will.
Timmy tries to avoid telling Mr. Deity that they don't have enough matter to create a universe organically.
Mr. Deity, Jesus, and Timmy tour the dark matter showroom.
Mr. Deity is concerned that Larry has rigged the Universe in order to give people signs of His existence.
Mr. Deity and John go over the plans for the 'after party'.
Mr. Deity and Jesus brainstorm about their trio.
Mr. Deity seeks the help of a magician in order to launch his six-day creation model.
Mr. Deity chats with Larry, Timmy, and John about the six days of Creation.
Mr. Deity makes Lucy an offer she can't refuse.
Mr. Deity seeks help to make his creatures more gullible.
Mr. Deity is questioned about what makes something right.
The Deity crew finally find an intelligent life form to populate their universe.
In the season four finale, Mr. Deity goes out with a bang!
Having quit the Deity project, Jesse/Jesus roams the ancient world, sharing Mr. Deity's script with the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.
Mr. Deity is confronted by the Occupy Heaven Movement.
Mr. Deity goes into his silent period.
Mr. Deity and Lucy see a therapist.
Mr. Deity, Lucy, and John the Baptist meet with Joseph Smith to hear about his exciting new ideas for the latter-days.
Mr. Deity shares his plan for human rights.
Timmy tells Mr. Deity that Hitch has arrived at the Pearly Gates.
Mr. Deity shares his plans for marriage with Lucy.
Mr. Deity and Jesus discuss signs big and small.
Lucy is thrilled by the teachings of the New Testament.
John (the Baptist) tries to dissuade Mr. Deity from releasing another testament "as is."
Larry has some bad news regarding the Old Testament.
Mr. Deity asks Lucy to help him pick a team to win the Superbowl.
Mr. Deity interrupts a strategy session between Lucy and David Silverman.
Mr. Deity sits down with Lucy and her chaplain.
Mr. Deity discusses the flood with a geologist.
Mr. Deity turns Jesus into a mythical character so he can avoid the cross.
Joseph Smith Junior teaches Mr. Deity how to translate ancient languages.
Mr. Deity explains why he's removing his hand of protection from the land.
Jesus and Mr. Deity prepare for war.
Lucy forces Mr. Deity to reveal His plan to kill a celebrity who has angered Him.
Lucy talks with Mr. Deity about all the help he's been giving people in the wealthier countries of the world.
Richard Dawkins is mistakenly brought to the realm of the Deity.
Mr. Deity and Lucy discuss the scrip for the Mormon Temple ceremony.
Mr. Deity asks Lucy's assistant about some suspicious donations.
Mr. Deity commissions a former pastor to infiltrate big Atheism.
Mr. Deity has found evidence of The Exodus.
Mr. Deity turns his all-knowingness back on.
Mr. Deity is excited about one of Allah's new apologists.
Mr. Deity finds out that Jesus has been moonlighting.
Mr. Deity gets some news from his financial advisor.
Mr. Deity thinks he's made a bet with Lucy regarding Job.
Q&A with Mr. Deity.
Mr. Deity wakes to find his finances taking a dive.