Der weitgereiste englische Butler Mr. Lynn Belvedere (Christopher Hewett) hat früher in hohen Häusern für Politiker gearbeitet, jetzt kümmert er sich um die Kinder des Sportjournalisten George Owens (Bob Uecker) und seiner Frau, der angehenden Anwältin Marsha (Ilene Graff). Die Kinder sind die Teenager Kevin (Rob Stone) und Heather (Tracy Wells) sowie Nesthäkchen Wesley (Brice Beckham). Die Lektionen, die Mr. Belvedere sie lehrt, schreibt er später stets in sein Tagebuch.
Mr. Belvedere centered around the Owens family who lived in suburban Pittsburgh. George Owens was a sports writer and his wife, Marsha was a homemaker/law-student. They had three children, 16 year old Kevin, 14 year old Heather and 8 year old Wesley. The series began when it got to the point where Marsha couldn't handle the household anymore with her studying so she placed an ad for a housekeeper. This is where Mr. Lynn Belvedere steps in. Mr. Belvedere was an English housekeeper whose previous employers include Winston Churchill. Although hesitant, George and Marsha hired him and he instantly becomes one of the family, even giving the kids advice on how to solve their problems when they need it. At the end of each episode, Belvedere would write an entry in his journal concerning the situations that occurred in each episode.
M. Belvedere est le majordome anglais des Owens, une famille américaine en totale inadéquation avec ses habitudes de travail bien britanniques...