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Season 1

  • S01E01 London: The First Journey

    Piano Concerto in A major, K. 414, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Soloist and Conductor: Vladimir ASHKENAZY, Recorded at Hampton Court Palace, London.

  • S01E02 Mantua: Initial Steps

    Piano Concerti, in F major K. 37 and in G major K. 41, Orchestra della Radiotelevisione della Svizzera Italiana, Conductor: Marc ANDREAE, Soloist: Heidrun HOLTMANN, Recorded in the Teatro Scientifico del Bibiena, Mantua.

  • S01E03 Milan: Learning by Travelling

    Piano Concerto in D major, K. 175, Orchestra della Radiotelevisione della Svizzera Italiana, Conductor: Marc ANDREAE, Soloist: Malcolm FRAGER, Recorded in the Teatro Scientifico del Bibiena, Mantua.

  • S01E04 Mannheim: Aloysia and Constanze

    Piano Concerto in B-flat major, K. 238, Radiosinfonieorchester Stuttgart, Conductor: Gianluigi GELMETTI, Soloist: Christian ZACHARIAS, Recorded in the Rokokotheater, Schloss Schwetzingen.

  • S01E05 Schwetzingen: Musicians and Princess

    Piano Concerto in C major, K. 246, Radiosinfonieorchester Stuttgart, Conductor: Gianluigi GELMETTI, Soloist: Christian ZACHARIAS, Recorded in the Rokokotheater, Schloss Schwetzingen.

  • S01E06 Paris: Far from Salzburg

    Piano Concerto E-flat major, K. 271 “Jeune home”, Mozarteum-Orchester Salzburg, Conductor: Jeffrey TATE, Soloist: Mitsuko UCHIDA, Recorded in the Mozarteum Salzburg (Salzburg Festival 1989).

  • S01E07 Vienna: A double Abduction

    Piano Concerto in G major, K. 453, Englisch Chamber Orchestra, Conductor: Jeffrey TATE, Soloist: Deszó RÁNKI, Recorded in the Grosse Galerie, Schloss Schönbrunn.

  • S01E08 Vienna: The best City for my Métier

    Piano Concerto in D minor, K. 466 (Cadenzas by Ivan Klánský), Virtuosi di Praga, Conductor: Jiří BELOHLÁVEK, Soloist: Ivan KLÁNSKÝ, Recorded in the Rittersaal of the Palais Waldstein, Prague.

  • S01E09 Vienna & Prague: The other Side of the Coin

    Piano Concerto in C minor, K. 491, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Soloist and Conductor: André PREVIN, Recorded in the Grosse Galerie, Schloss Schönbrunn.

  • S01E10 Prague: Success with Da Ponte

    Piano Concerto in A major, K. 488, Virtuosi di Praga, Conductor: Jiří BELOHLÁVEK, Soloist: Zoltán KOCSIS, Recorded in the Rittersaal of the Palais Waldstein, Prague.

  • S01E11 Frankfurt: Coronation

    Piano Concerto in F major, K. 459, Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie, Conductor: David ZINMAN, Soloist: Radu LUPU, Recorded in the Sophiensaal, Munich.

  • S01E12 Munich: Way Station

    Piano Concerto in D major, K. 537 “Coronation” (Cadenzas by Edwin Fischer), Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie, Conductor: Gerd ALBRECHT, Soloist: Homero FRANCESCH, Recorded in the Christian Zaiss Saal, Wiesbaden.

  • S01E13 Vienna: The Last Year

    Piano Concerto in B-flat major, K. 595, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Conductor: André PREVIN, Soloist: Aleksandar MADZAR, Recorded in the Grosse Galerie, Schloss Schönbrunn.

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