An ancient jock strap with superpowers turns Hitch into the greatest athlete Lone Pine High has ever known.
Habitual liar Milo is pursued by his dad's new recliner, which has had enough of his lies.
Top athlete Rico gets a blow to the noggin and it turns the once dim-witted Rico into a genius.
Conspiracy theorist Bill B.B. Boon is sure that the new mystery meat in the school cafeteria is a clever government scheme.
Mimi accidentally channels the spirit of her long dead relative Martha -- a witch who was burned at the stake during the witch trials.
Ouigee Falls is having a serious problem with an unusual swarm of mosquitoes. A mysterious bug exterminator arrives in the city claiming he can stop the swarm.
Time traveling Mo meets the headless Pumpkin Reaper and almost loses his own head.
Moms start acting like teenagers, much to the horror of their own teenaged daughters.
Coach Konkout dreams of coaching a winning team just once.
Crook kid Norman Stank finds a comic book that sells novelty items that actually work! He doesn't realize that they have a very steep price.
B.B. Boon is sure the new kid next door is a flesh eating zombie... or a vampire... or both!
Hitch finds he has a guardian angel hula girl, who has a jealous Viking boyfriend.
Lost while on a school field trip, Mo and pals spend a night stranded at a strange petting farm.
The spoiled heir to the Hunter Toy company tosses out the family heirloom. Now with it gone, a curse has befallen his family.
Mo accidentally starts a cult that worships a crystal door knob. A greedy commercial salesman, Luther, tries to steal it for profit.
Mr. Cister, the school janitor, has never missed a day of work in the entire 39 years he has worked there. Why? Because he was guarding his severed big toe containing the evil spirit Pollyputonakettle, the evil Inca volcano god.
The fashonable daughter of a rich family inherits an old magic mirror that shows her new clothing designs to make.
Emil Borneo has had a lot of pets but he doesn't take proper care of them. Eventually, he purchases exotic pets that do not need to be taken care of.
Mo and his father go to Lake Gimmie Gimmie Itchy Owie where Mo's father will attempt to take on the biggest fish, even after a warning that the lake is cursed by an evil, mysterious force.
B.B. Boon, the local science freak,has found a real alien! But how did it get here? And who is that man in black?
A boy tries to outdo his sister's accordion skills, by any means necessary.
A mysterious bison headed penny shows up in town, giving its holder one lucky moment, then passes itself off. Which is great until the local jinx gets it, giving everyone else bad luck.
Hitch finds a time traveling watch that controls the passage of time... until it breaks.
Garden gnomes threaten to turn humans into statues.
A green blob of goo comes to town and cleans everything in sight by absorbing trash; Hitch makes friends with a small ball of it.
Mo finds a map leading to a leprechaun valley.