A studio sitcom set around the antics of Jimmy and his ragtag family of Mountain Rescue volunteers. When the naïve and enthusiastic Conor reports for his first day as a volunteer, Jimmy, the shambolic old rescue hand, takes it upon himself to teach him the 'ways of the hills'. Conor's education begins in the Busted Femur pub, where he's introduced to no-nonsense barmaid Jules and fellow mountain rescuer Bill, who spends every living hour looking after his dogs, resulting in somewhat questionable social skills. As if that's not enough to contend with, Conor later meets Bernie, the mountain rescue team's head of operations; a woman who's happy to the point of delirium in her work. When the actual mountain rescuing begins, things go from bad, to worse, to even worse than that.
Jimmy has burnt his house down and needs a new home. Conor's mum is not happy that Conor has taken up with Jimmy's scurrilous band of rescue hands.
The ragtag gang of Mountain Rescue Volunteers are getting physical and out of the pub in an assortment of ill-judged fitness gear.
Jimmy loses Bill's favourite dog, Tom Jones. Jimmy then loses Bill too! Meanwhile Jules, landlady of The Old Goat, is stressed about her gourmet night and her bid to attract a higher class of clientele to her Highland establishment. Jimmy hatches a "sausage plan" to lure Tom Jones back but Jules thinks only arch rivals, Inverkelly Rescue, can save the day and bring back Bill's furry friend.
Jimmy appears to save the day after he hits a walker with a golf ball and is hailed a hero by Ken, the teenager's father. Bernie, Bill and Conor are chuffed to bits for their chum, but the green eyed monster in Jules is having none of it. Meanwhile, Conor and Bernie attempt to curb Jules' brusque manner in order to attract more customers - though keeping a lid on her rudeness proves frustrating.
Jimmy falls madly in love and indulges in a whirlwind romance which baffles and sickens the others. There's a fine line between love and hate when Jimmy clashes with Jane Lovely, a new face to grace The Old Goat pub. Trading insults leads to unbridled passion for Jimmy and Jane who share a love of bobble hats, mince and Barbara Dickson. A match made in heaven. However, when the brewery's business tsar arrives to advise Jules it comes as quite a shock to everyone - especially Jimmy.
Jimmy takes on a lone rescue that results in an insurance claim while romance (sort of) blossoms between Conor and Jules. The gang come together to celebrate 34 glorious years of the mountain rescue but Jimmy's landmark 1000th rescue quickly goes awry after the climber, Irene, sues for injury. Facing financial ruin, the gang struggle to raise the necessary funds to cover the claim but Jimmy suspects foul play and sets about outing Irene. Elsewhere, passions and paintpots are stirred when Jules enlists the help of Conor to redecorate a bedroom in The Old Goat.