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Season 1

  • S01E01 Virtue: For Such a Time as This

    Young women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints call for a return to virtue and share their commitment to live virtuous and exemplary lives in order to influence the world for good. (5:44)

  • S01E02 I’m a Young Woman and I Believe!

    A video presentation titled “I’m a Young Woman and I Believe!” shown as part of the general Young Women meeting. (5:11)

  • S01E03 Our Temple in the Amazon

    Youth in Manaus, Brazil, share their excitement and testimonies as they celebrate the dedication of a new temple in their area.

  • S01E04 Arise to the Mountain

    The purpose of the Young Women organization is to help each young woman be worthy to make and keep sacred covenants and receive the ordinances of the temple. (3:37)

  • S01E05 Reach Out and Share

    In April, KSL Television produced this general conference special called "Reach Out and Share." It tells the story of how a family in Arizona joined the Church after watching a Mormon Message for Youth on the Internet called "Dayton's Legs." (22:43)

  • S01E06 Standing in Holy Places

    A young woman reflects on the blessings of walking the covenant path as she makes her journey to the temple. (5:36)

  • S01E07 A Work of Love

    A thought from Bonnie L. Oscarson, Young Women general president, about the joy of sharing the gospel with others. (0:56)

  • S01E08 Our Eternal Potential

    Youth consider what distractions draw them away from following the Savior.

  • S01E09 Our Spiritual Passport

    Youth consider what they will do to add stamps to their “spiritual passports” and bless the lives of others.

  • S01E10 Sharing Your Light

    A young woman from the Philippines shares her faith and hope in knowing that by setting a good example, those around her can return to following the Savior.

  • S01E11 With All Your Heart

    One young man overcomes his fears while magnifying his calling. (3:26)

  • S01E12 When Ye Are in the Service-YM

    A young man in California experiences joy as he takes on the challenge to see how much service he can provide to those around him in 3 days. (3:02)

  • S01E13 When Ye Are in the Service-YW

    Young Women in Japan experience joy as they take on the challenge to see how much service they can provide to those around them in 3 days. (3:07)

  • S01E14 Follow the Prophet

    Carol F. McConkie, First Counselor in the Young Women’s Presidency, describes why God calls prophets. A group of youth discover the importance of listening to the right voices when charting their course. (4:16)

  • S01E15 Fragile

    “Remember what you are worth.” That is the simple yet powerful message of the 2015 mutual theme song, “Fragile.” We must be kind to others, and when we ourselves are hurt we must turn to Jesus Christ, who knows and loves us always. (3:46)

  • S01E16 This Life

    What are we doing with this life? Are we spending it on things that make us better, brighter, and more able to help our friends do the same? Do we treasure every moment? (3:34)

  • S01E17 Good To Be Alive

    Regan Rindlisbacher performs her song about having a positive outlook on life, looking for the beauty in the world, and cherishing relationships with those we love.

  • S01E18 Strive

    It is time to give everything we have to becoming the people God hopes we will choose to become. Join the worldwide movement to strive for the best by developing your talents, loving others, seeking education, and serving the Lord.s

  • S01E19 Reach Out With Love

    When a young man is tasked with inviting his neighbor and peer to church, he learns it takes more than one try to have success.

  • S01E20 Dangerous Tides

    Based on the talk, Trifle Not with Sacred Things by Elder Larry S. Kacher. The choices we make in this life greatly affect our eternal life. Are your decisions planted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ? (3:27)

  • S01E21 Guided Safely Home

    We live in a world full of conflict, and we will sink without a sense of direction. Jesus Christ provides that direction, and living His teachings will steer us safely home. What will you do to reach up and obtain heavenly help today? (2:43)

  • S01E22 Painted into a Corner

    A young man learns the importance of repentance and how agency is an essential part of life.

  • S01E23 Texting Truth

    A group of young men share how they use text-messaging to learn scriptures and uplift each other. Elder Scott describes ways we can use text messaging, phones, and more to draw closer to Christ, strengthen others, and increase our gospel knowledge. (2:23)

  • S01E24 Good Things to Share

    Sharing what matters most is not unusual at all – what good things will you share? (2:21)

  • S01E25 Service Through Song

    Service is an opportunity to share love in inspired ways. This short video shows how a group of youth provide love to a group of elderly residents by singing hymns every Sunday night.

  • S01E26 Stay In The Boat

    Elder M. Russell Ballard teaches the importance of staying in the ship of Zion. (8:19)

  • S01E27 Staying Spiritually Fit

    Now is the time to prepare to meet God. Just as an athlete prepares daily for game day; when we work on our spirituality daily and give our all to the Lord, we strengthen our testimonies of Him and of His gospel.

  • S01E28 All I Needed

    God expects us to be self reliant and give our all. In turn, He will help us in times of need with what we need.

  • S01E29 Mitch Mobile

    A group of young men are true examples of being in the service of your fellow men and becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.

  • S01E30 Blessed and Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God

    Just as a barrier in the ocean can prevent sharks from entering the bay, the barriers established by the Lord create for us a safe harbor from evil and destructive influences. Read Elder Keetch's full conference talk https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2015/10/blessed-and-happy-are-those-who-keep-the-commandments-of-god?lang=eng&_r=1

  • S01E31 Why Am I Here?

    The funny thing about purpose is that you never know when you're going to find yours. (4:10)

  • S01E32 The Blessings of Personal Progress

    Young women share how Personal Progress has been a fun, rewarding process of learning, growing, and achieving goals. (4:51)

  • S01E33 That He May Become Strong

    As a youth, Jeremy had a strong mentor in one of his Young Men leaders. Now an adult, Jeremy reflects on the positive impact this mentor has had on his entire life. (4:04)

  • S01E34 Where Are the Keys?

    Priesthood authority and keys start the engine, open the gates of heaven, facilitate heavenly power, and pave the covenant pathway back to our Heavenly Father. (2:52)

  • S01E35 Our Divine Destiny

    Various youth and young adults testify of the importance of recognizing who you are as a child of God and the blessings promised in order to overcome the challenges of life.

  • S01E36 What Family Means to Me

    A music video for youth about the meaning and importance of family.

  • S01E37 A Witness of God

    Elder Neil L. Andersen describes how all of God's children are pieces of a large puzzle in preparation for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. (2:40)