The prestigious high school handsome high school student group "Triple Star" that Momoko encountered. Her Ai, the number one Hikaru of the "Triple Star", is slaughtered. While Koizumi, a teacher who was informed of the fact of voyeurism by Ai, was taken as a suspect, Momoko who touched Ai's photo booth time-leaped before the encounter with "Triple Star" and with Otomo to stop Koizumi's assault. Disguise and infiltrate the school. However, many candidates for her criminal appear from her real face and her relationships surrounding her Ai.
桃子遇到的名校英俊高中生團體“三重星”。 她的愛,“三重星”的第一光,被屠殺了。 當被愛告知偷窺事實的老師小泉被當作嫌疑人時,觸摸愛的照相亭的桃子在與“三重星”和大友相遇之前時間飛躍,以阻止小泉的攻擊。偽裝和滲透學校。 然而,由於艾的真面目和圍繞艾的關係,出現了許多犯罪候選人。