Die vierte Art von Fabelwesen nistet sich bei Kimihito ein – ein Schleim-Mädchen, namens Sue. Papi freundet sich mit ihr an, die beiden anderen Chimärendamen wollen sie schnellst möglich aus dem Haus haben.
Miia opens the pot on the stove and is attacked by a slime. Centorea explains that slimes are one of many species as yet unrecognized by human society; the slime then attacks again, and when Centorea's sword has no effect, both her and Kimihito end up covered in slime. When he goes to take a bath, she joins him after being unable to get clean. She conjectures that the slime was attacking them to get water; it then attacks them again in the bath. When Centorea falls and is knocked unconscious, the slime takes the form of a woman and begins imitating his washing of Cerea; due to her body being liquid, however, she almost drowns him before he escapes by diluting her in the tub. They debate what to do with her, and Papi reveals that she has named her Suu. The girls point out that she is likely an illegal immigrant; Papi overhears this and flees with Suu, thinking they mean to turn her in. When Kimihito catches up with them, they are apprehended by a group of children who often play with Papi. When one of the children is almost hit by a truck driven by the racist couple from the first episode, Suu saves her but falls off a bridge. Luckily, Kimihito gets under her with the crashed truck before she falls in the water. After that, he decides to let her stay at his house. They go home, only to find Smith there.
Une nouvelle créature s'invite chez Kimihito. Il s'agit d'une slime et il va être très difficile de lui apprendre le bon sens humain, vu qu'elle est insaisissable et qu'elle ne semble pas comprendre ce qu'on lui dit.
Uno strano essere salta fuori da una pentola e attacca Miia! Il colpevole è uno slime informe. Centorea sfodera la propria spada contro di lui per proteggere Kimihito, ma entrambi finiscono ricoperti di slime. Mentre si trovano in bagno a darsi una ripulita, lo slime, in cerca d'acqua, attacca di nuovo.
セントレアは公人を守るため襲い来るスライムに剣を振るうが、公人共々身体中ヌルヌルになってしまう。身体を流すため入ったお風呂で、水を求めて大暴走するスライムをどうにか沈めようとするが・・・!? パピに名前を付けてもらったスライムのスー。何だかんだと来留主家に居候することに♡ しかし密入国の他種族は厳罰と聞き、パピはスーを連れて家を飛び出してしまう。外へ出たスーは、大量の水が流れる川を見て、ひどく怯えた様子で逃げるようにもがき始めて・・・?
물에 스며들어 있는 슬라임을 발견한 키미히토. 센토레아는 기묘한 생명체로부터 키미히토를 지키기 위해 칼을 휘두르는데...
Un peligroso monstruo conocido como “limo” abandona los calabozos de los RPG y aparece de repente en la casa del protagonista, amenazando con dejar todo “pegajoso”. Sin embargo, pronto hace amistad con Papi, la harpía, y revela su lado más inocente. Suu, la limo que crece “proporcionalmente” con el agua.