Kimihitos erster Gast im Inter-Arten-Austausch ist ein Fabelwesen namens Mia. Mia hat einen üppigen weiblichen Oberkörper und den Unterkörper einer Schlange. Für Kimihito ist das eine sehr reizvolle Kombination.
Kimihito wakes up to find Miia crushing him in her sleep. After escaping, he draws a bath for her to warm up and goes to make breakfast. In the kitchen he is surprised by Smith, who has come to make sure he isn't engaging in any prohibited activities with Miia, such as sex. After Smith leaves, Miia tries to seduce him, only to accidentally dislocate his shoulder. The two go on a field trip, including a visit to an all-species lingerie shop. Afterwards, they run into a racist couple who harass Miia, and Kimihito has to jump in the way when she tries to strike them with her tail, to keep her from breaking the law. Trying to escape from a curious crowd, they hide in a love hotel, where they are ambushed by the Interspecies Exchange Security Squad. However, Smith recognizes them and fixes the situation. Leaving the hotel, they encounter the couple, and when they begin harassing Miia again Kimihito punches them. At home, Miia resumes her advances on Kimihito, only for them to be interrupted by Smith.
Kimihito accueille chez lui Miia, une lamia, qui lui fait des avances incessantes. Mais selon la loi d’échanges interespèces, les humains et les demi-humains ont certaines règles à respecter. Kimihito fait donc ce qu’il peut pour la tenir à distance, sous l’œil vigilant de madame Smith, coordinatrice des échanges culturels entre les espèces. Quelques situations cocasses sont au rendez-vous.
A causa di un errore amministrativo, il giovane Kimihito Kuruso diventa famiglia ospitante per studentesse di specie non-umane. Una di loro, una lamia di nome Miia, è colpita dalla gentilezza del ragazzo, e prova in tutti i modi a sedurlo.
公人との初デートに浮かれるミーア♡ DQNカップルに絡まれたことをきっかけに、通行人たちの好奇な目に晒されてしまう。
변온동물인 라미아 족의 특성 때문에 키미히토는 오늘도 라미아의 체온 올리기에 힘을 빼게 된다. 라미아는 일본의 온천문화를 체험하고 싶다며 키미히토를 욕조 안으로 끌어당기는데.
Devido à um erro humano, Kurusu, o nosso protagonista, se torna a família hospedeira de várias estudantes não humanos. Uma estudante, uma garota lâmia, é movida pela bondade de Kurusu e começa a tentar seduzi-lo.
Han pasado tres años desde que se promulgó el Acta de Intercambio Interespecies que le permite a diferentes subespecies humanoides convivir normalmente con los humanos. Esta vez, el protagonista convive con una lamia (una mujer mitad humana, mitad serpiente), quien no perderá oportunidad para demostrarle su afecto por haberla acogido en su hogar.